[comp.windows.x] xperfmon on multi-processor Pyramid

bob@osu-eddie.UUCP (02/22/87)

From: Bob Sutterfield <bob>

Has anybody gotten an `xperfmon' client running on a Pyramid 98x?
I think that this would require two answers:

	1) In general, what does it mean to run xperfmon (or any
	   general-purpose performance monitor) on a multi-cpu

	2) Specifically, what are the functional equivalents, for any
	   Pyramid (single- or dual-cpu), of a VAX's <vaxuba/ubavar.h>
	   and <vaxmba/mbavar.h>, a Sun's <sundev/mbvar.h>, or an RT's

This is the sort of problem that I'd love to run off and solve; but I
would certainly rather start where somebody else has left off than
re-invent the *whole* wheel.
 Bob Sutterfield, Department of Computer and Information Science
 The Ohio State University; 2036 Neil Ave. Columbus OH USA 43210-1277
 bob@ohio-state.{arpa,csnet} or ...!cb{osgd,att}!osu-eddie!bob
 (614) 292 - 0915 or (614) 292 - 5813