[net.news] article frequencies by newsgroup

trb (08/03/82)

Here it is, the information you've all been waiting for!  The number of
articles that have passed thru floyd's spooled news directory!  Now you
can tell your friends which groups are most commonly posted to.  (Floyd
has been getting netnews since about the beginning of 1982, the numbers
will not, of course, be the same as the ones for your system, but they
should be proportional.  Number of articles to net.auto.highway will
probably be less.)

I have affixed asterisks to the groups which might be construed as
work related.  Don't bug me about my choices, I chose net.space and
net.ham-radio as being work related, net.music and net.jokes as not,
though if you were a comedian or a violinist...

I summed up the number of articles posted to the top 29, and found that
9171 were work related and 4017 were not.  Better than 2 to 1 work
related.  I think that's pretty good (for what my professional opinion
is worth).  You might ask "why 29?"  Well, I asked the "head" program
for the first 30 lines and it gave me 29.

	A. C. Neilsen need not worry about competition from me,
	Andy Tannenbaum   Bell Labs  Whippany, NJ   (201) 386-6491
1136 net.unix-wiza*
1089 net.general*
 968 fa.info-cpm*
 840 net.movies
 828 net.space*
 808 net.misc*
 803 net.jokes
 641 net.cooks
 607 fa.info-vax*
 466 net.news*
 452 net.music
 431 btl.general*
 350 net.games.rog
 344 net.micro*
 306 net.followup*
 295 net.news.b*
 284 net.news.grou*
 275 net.jokes.q
 259 net.games.tri
 236 net.test*
 230 fa.info-terms*
 220 net.nlang*
 212 net.columbia*
 210 net.games
 195 net.math*
 187 net.records
 184 net.ham-radio*
 168 net.works*
 164 fa.editor-p*