[comp.windows.x] Sx Toolkit: anyone using it?

Paul.Birkel@K.CS.CMU.EDU.UUCP (03/10/87)

I've a little problem getting the Sx toolkit running on an RT
under our local operating system, MACH, an extension of UNIX.
We're using what apparently is a beta-release of V10R4 (i.e.
prior to the official release including the toolkits available
from zap). Since our release came via IBM, and we have made local
mods to deal with our non-standard kernel, we are only just getting
our local environment merged with the official V10R4.

Rather than give a very explicit description of my troubles, is
anyone actually using the Sx toolkit, currently, under V10R4? If so,
could you send me some mail, and maybe we can figure out my problems.
Unfortunately no one locally (to my knowledge) is using any of the
toolkits. So I'm really on my own. Quite frustrating at the moment.

Paul Birkel; Dept. of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon


kochmar@SEI.CMU.EDU.UUCP (03/11/87)


	We (Mark Poepping and I) have been using it, and except for a few
bugs, it has been working fine.  We are using uVax II's and Ultrix.
