[comp.windows.x] Fonts vs Bitmaps

shebs@utah-cs.UUCP (Stanley Shebs) (04/14/87)

Now that we have a font editor, I want to know if I should build a font for
an application of mine that uses about two dozen bitmaps (created and
maintained using "bitmap").  Questions include relative average performance
of writing font chars vs writing bitmaps (is there a noticeable difference
and how much variation between implementations) and how programs ought to
handle both (a real pain to have all those XStoreBitmaps, but how do people
abstract the positions of entries in non-alphabetic fonts, or don't they
bother?).  Any info/suggests greatly appreciated.

							stan shebs

eichin@ATHENA.MIT.EDU.UUCP (04/15/87)

I am working on Foundation, a large X based WYSIRN (What You See Is
Really Neat) editor for the Athena Writing project. Athena just got
the Adobe fonts, as textfiles with lots of information in them. I
wrote font reader routines and a front end to X which replaced all of
the XText calls with my own routines to handle the bitmap fonts, and
send the bitmaps over to the server.
Relative performance: If you send the bitmaps every time, it is about
10-30 times slower than X fonts (this is on Xqvss on a MicroVax II,
about 2Meg of ram.) If you cache them on the server, you can get
better than this, but you can generally paint a full height, half
width window in 6 seconds with caching, 30 seconds without, versus under
1/2 sec with normal Xfonts. In our installation, the X fonts are
hardwired into a remote shared disk, so they can't be updated for easy
experimentation... this is too bad, actually, since the existing fonts
are poor, and in cases patently wrong...
		/Happy Hacking...........\
		\.............Mark Eichin/