[comp.windows.x] X window implementation for a Sun 2 machine

gyp@csadfa.OZ.AU (Patrick Tang) (05/06/87)

I have sent the following mail to jg@athena.mit.edu, he might have
forwarded it to you. But just in case, he hasn't, you could help
me with the following information,

I was informed that I would able to find out information regarding to
X window implementation for a Sun 2 machine.

Could you please let me know whether such implementation exists, where
I can get the source codes, and the costs if any.

Thanks in advance.

Tang Guan Yaw/Patrick	International:+61 62 68 8185   Local: (062) 68 8185
Dept. Computer Science	       Telex:	ADFADM AA62030
University College	ACSNET/CSNET:	gyp@csadfa.oz
Aust. Defence Force Academy	UUCP:	...!seismo!munnari!csadfa.oz!gyp 
Canberra. ACT. 2600.		ARPA:	gyp%csadfa.oz@SEISMO.CSS.GOV
AUSTRALIA		       JANET:	gyp@csadfa.oz