[comp.windows.x] menuwm survey and status

poepping@sei.cmu.edu (Mark Poepping) (05/11/87)

I'd like to get some rough idea about who is using menuwm, mainly
to assess its impact and to help me prioritize the task of maintanence
and distribution.

Please send me a note including the following information:
1) Who are you?  Who do you work for?  Where do you live?
2) How many people are you 'supporting' it for?
3) Comments and suggestions?

Current Status:
- menuwm source is available in RCS or SCCS control form, no plain source.
- menuwm is available via anonymous ftp from v.sei.cmu.edu (
- also available through mail if you absolutely cannot get it any other way
	(part of the reason why I want to know who's got it).
- A man page exists and is available, it got lost in the original distribution.
- I have no further functionality enhancements planned.
- I am willing to make small changes if I can be convinced of their utility
	(particularly modifications for portability).
- The current version is known to work on a SUN, MV, and RT.  I have several
	fixes to add for the HP9000.  The new distribution should be available
	by the end of next week.  I will repost when they are ready.
- If prang is ever reincarnated, it will certainly have the wrong version.
	I will try to keep a reasonable version there (as network
	connections allow).

Thanks for your time.
mark poepping		poepping@sei.cmu.edu

Employer Disclaimer...
Usual stuff like 'no expressed or implied commitment for
	support or liability, etc'.