[comp.windows.x] QVSS Display Size

drach%parhelion@Sun.COM (Steve Drach) (05/27/87)

We have a VAXstation II with a monochrome QVSS device running under
ULTRIX 1.2.  Sometimes the display covers the entire screen (1024x864),
and other times it covers only a portion of the screen (960x864).  We
can't seem to find what's causing this "random" resizing of the

We also can't seem to control the screen size.  We try to set max_cur_x in
the qv_info structure to 1024, but that doesn't set the display size to
1024 when it's in "square" mode.

Anybody have any ideas?

jtkohl@bloom-beacon.UUCP (05/27/87)

The problem lies in the kernel definitions for the qvss.  There are
apparently three monitor types that the board will support.  The one
that is shipped these days is the VR260 (which may be marked as the
'experimental' display in qv.c).

You can get the full width by patching qv_def_scrn (longword) to be 2.

John Kohl
MIT/Project Athena

wyatt@cfa.harvard.EDU (Bill Wyatt) (05/27/87)

> Xref: cfa comp.sys.dec:202 comp.unix.wizards:2341 comp.windows.x:725
> The problem lies in the kernel definitions for the qvss.  There are
> apparently three monitor types that the board will support.  The one
> that is shipped these days is the VR260 (which may be marked as the
> 'experimental' display in qv.c).
> You can get the full width by patching qv_def_scrn (longword) to be 2.

The smaller size was appropriate for the uVax I, but when the II came out,
the software distributions still came out with the old setting. You'll
have to adb qv_def_scrn to 2 in qv.o in your binary distribution as above, and
also in /vmunix if you don't want to recompile. 

Bill    UUCP:  {seismo|ihnp4}!harvard!cfa!wyatt
Wyatt   ARPA:  wyatt@cfa.harvard.edu
         (or)  wyatt%cfa@harvard.harvard.edu
      BITNET:  wyatt@cfa2
        SPAN:  17410::wyatt   (this will change in June)