[comp.windows.x] Fixes for xalarmclock

raj@limbo.UCI.EDU.UUCP (06/05/87)

A while back a version of the xclock program which included an alarm was
posted.  This program is pretty nice but I noticed two small bugs with it.
First, if you cover up the clock and then uncover it, it would sometimes not
draw the clock face back completely.  Second, if you invoke the program
with the command "xalarmclock -analog -update 1" it wouldn't do updates every
second whereas if you invoke it with "xalarmclock -update 1 -analog" it would!
(By the way, we called the program "xalarmclock" instead of "xclock" so that
users could choose whichever one they wanted.  Don't be confused.)
Anyway, there are the fixes for these two bugs:

*** bk_xclock.c	Wed May  6 08:59:17 1987
--- xclock.c	Thu Jun  4 14:04:57 1987
*** 63,71 ****
  			    "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
  static char *DayName[] = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"};
  handler () {
      (void) signal (SIGALRM, handler);
!     ShowTime ();
      (void) alarm (ringing ? 1 : interval);
--- 63,73 ----
  			    "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
  static char *DayName[] = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"};
+ int	Inhibit=FALSE;	/* inhibit updates while we're drawing the clock */
  handler () {
      (void) signal (SIGALRM, handler);
!     if(! Inhibit) ShowTime ();
      (void) alarm (ringing ? 1 : interval);
*** 216,232 ****
  	if (strcmp (*argv, "-analog") == 0) { 
  	    Iconified = FALSE; 
- 	    argc--;
  	if (strcmp (*argv, "-digital") == 0) {
  	    Iconified = TRUE;
- 	    argc--;
  	if (strcmp (*argv, "-chime") == 0) {
  	    chime = TRUE;
- 	    argc--;
--- 218,231 ----
*** 316,321 ****
--- 315,321 ----
  	register int i;
  	register int delta = (Radius - second_hand) / 3;
+ 	Inhibit = TRUE;
  	for (i = 0; i < 60; i++)
  		if ((i % 5) == 0)
*** 322,327 ****
--- 322,328 ----
  			DrawHand(second_hand, Radius, ((double) i)/60.);
  		else DrawHand((Radius - delta), Radius, ((double) i)/60.);
+ 	Inhibit = FALSE;

Richard A. Johnson                              raj@rome.uci.edu   (Internet)
UCI ICS Assistant Technical Manager              ucbvax!ucivax!raj     (UUCP)
Postmaster / Network Services             raj@limbo.uci.edu (via Nameservers)