[comp.windows.x] would like to collect history of X

jim@ci-dandelion.UUCP (Jim Fulton) (06/12/87)

For my own curiousity I'd like to collect some of the history of X before it
gets lost in the explosion of X11.  This is motivated primarily by a desire
to keep my own recollections of X1-X6 from getting too blurry.

I'd particularly appreciate receiving any notes from people who have

    - ported the X server.  Which version?  What kind of display?
	What operating system?  When?  Why?  Was there anything that 
	you were articularly proud (or ashamed) of?

    - been involved with any of the numerous "firsts" (e.g. first major
	applications, ports to strange devices or operating systems,
	unusual uses of X, first products based on X, etc.).

    - organizations that adopted X early on.  There were several companies
	that licensed X6 from MIT:  what did you do with it (DEC and Cognition
	have easy answers, how about the others)?

    - their own ideas on the chronology of X.  I don't completely trust my
	memory of which version had which xterm, window manager, or new 

    - comments from the people who started with W or V.

    - interesting stories to tell about X, particularly pre-X9.  This 
	is sort of a catch-all for anything that anyone would like to add.

If possible I'd like to put together a list of as many ports as people are
willing to admit to.  Again, this is simply for the enjoyment of remembering
the history of X.  I think it would be nice to record this information before
it gathers too many cobwebs.

							Jim Fulton
							Cognition Inc.
                                                        900 Tech Park Drive
uucp:  ...!{mit-eddie,talcott,necntc}!ci-dandelion!jim  Billerica, MA  01821
arpa:  jim@athena.mit.edu, fulton@eddie.mit.edu         (617) 667-4800