[comp.windows.x] speaking of curves ...

Rick.Busdiecker@H.CS.CMU.EDU (07/17/87)

... what do people generally use for circles in X?  On the Xerox Altos,
the Draw program made a nice circle using a closed spline with 8
control points.  Using X, I have to use a lot more than 8 for it to
really look like a circle and even then, it's a pretty ugly circle; I
think using lines segments looks nicer than XDraw splines.  What type
of splines does XDraw use for VertexCurved vertices?


p.s.  I wonder how mail dozens of mail bounces I'll get on thiscertend tu

RWS@ZERMATT.LCS.MIT.EDU (Robert Scheifler) (07/17/87)

The X11 protocol supports elliptical arcs.  It does not support splines;
these are left to either an extension or a client-side utility (the
latter is currently the case).

mueller@utah-gr.UUCP (Tim Mueller) (07/17/87)

The X 10 manual says is uses "a spline algorithm ... to draw a smooth
curve from the previous vertex, through this one, to the next vertex".
This is ambiguous and I haven't tried it, but whatever it does it
definitely does not do rational splines since there are only two
coordinates per vertex. This means that you can't do circles exactly and
is the reason you need lots of points to make your curve look like a
circle (it's really lots of little parabolas).

Tim Mueller
University of Utah