[net.news] usenet etiquette

jerry (11/11/82)

		  Emily Post for Usenet

Usenet is a large, amorphous collection of machines (100s)
and people (1000s). Readers range from casual observers who
infrequently scan one or two groups to active participants
who spend a significant amount of time each day reading
news.  Their ages, experience and interests also vary
widely.  Some use the network solely for professional
purposes.  Others use it to carry on a variety of exchanges
and interactions.

The kinds of interaction that occur in usenet are new to
almost everyone.  The interactions certainly aren't face to
face. On the other hand submitting an item isn't like
standing up before an audience either.  Nor is it like
writing an article for publication.  Nor, since nobody edits
submissions, is it like writing a "letter to the editor" It
takes aspects of formal and informal communications, and
combines them in a new way.

Despite (or because of) these considerations usenet is a
useful communications technology whose use is enhanced when
people follow the emerging "net etiquette".  Users at new
sites (those at which usenet has been available for less
than 3 months) should be especially cautious until they have
adjusted to this new form of communication.

The following list of suggestions is long, but I plead with
you to read it before submitting items.

 1.  Try to find the appropriate group for any submission.
     (See below for a list of some important groups.)

 2.  When an item asks for specific information, or
     requests a "vote", you should usually reply via mail
     to the originator. Remember that many people will be
     reading the item at more or less the same time and if
     they all respond via a followup item, the net becomes
     flooded with almost identical responses that can annoy
     even people who were interested in the original

 3.  When submitting an item that is likely to generate
     responses, you can remind people of the previous point
     by ending with "send me mail and I'll post the results
     to the net".   Of course, you then accept the
     obligation of doing so.

 4.  Take care in preparing items.  While usenet
     interactions sometimes take on the flavor of casual
     conversation, you should spend the time and effort to
     make your item readable and pertinent. That includes
     proper spelling and good grammar.  And be sure you
     have something new to say. In particular, be sure you
     have understood earlier items. If you are in doubt
     about an author's intent, carry on a private
     interaction.  Frequently a discussion starts with one
     or two carefully prepared "position papers" and then
     degenerates into repetitive claims.

 5.  Before reacting to an item (either with mail or by
     submitting a followup) read all the followups that
     have reached your machine.  The readnews "e-" command,
     which tells readnews to forget that you have read an
     item, can be useful here.  After you read an item you
     think you will want to react to, do "e-", and go on to
     read all the other items in the group.  Then go back
     to the original.

 6.  Always use an editor to prepare items for submission.
     If you are using the "b" version of netnews you should
     set the EDITOR shell environment variable to the
     editor you want to use.   This lets you correct
     spelling, grammar, etc.

 7.  Don't be rude or abusive.  I regret having to say
     this, but I have seen too many items that start "John,
     you idiot, ...", or contain phrases like "People who
     think ... should be shot".  I suspect much of this
     rudeness is just carelessness.  Modes of speech that
     would be reasonable in private conversation may not be
     reasonable in a semi-public forum such as the net.

 8.  Be careful about sarcasm and facetious remarks.
     Without the voice inflection and body language of
     personal communication these are easily

 9.  Titles should be descriptive so that readers can
     decide whether to read or skip items based on the
     title.  For example, if you are having trouble with
     your dishwasher you might submit an item titled "need
     help with G.E. dishwasher" to net.wanted.  Don't
     submit an item titled "Need Help".

10.  Whenever possible, give references. This means both to
     other netnews items, and to external sources.

11.  In posting summaries of replies, try to actually
     summarize. Sometimes people just collect the items
     they received.  The mailed replies might just as well
     been submitted to the net.  At the least the replies
     should be edited to eliminate redundancy and

12.  Whenever possible, be brief.  Some people read news
     over slow (300bps) terminals, and watching a 15 line
     "signature" that you have seen ten times before gets
     boring.  There are many exceptions to this rule, this
     item being one of them.

13.  Here is a list of some groups that are important to
     the smooth functioning of the network, or are
     frequently used improperly

	net.general    This group is only for announcements
		       and queries that need to be read by
		       everyone.  Followups and discussions
		       should never go here.

	net.followup   This is the place for continuing
		       discussions that have started in
		       net.general.  In some versions of
		       the usenet software, using the "f"
		       command to an item in net.general
		       will put your submission in
		       net.followup, but you can also
		       submit items directly.

	net.misc       This is the place to carry on
		       frivolous discussions, arbitrary
		       chat, and rambling discussions. New
		       groups are frequently spawned from
		       these discussions.  For example, if
		       you want to start a discussion about
		       the quality of cafeteria food, put
		       an item in net.misc.

	net.wanted     This group exists for posting
		       queries for help.  ("I know somebody
		       must have a program to compute ...")

	net.jokes      Put CLEAN jokes here.  Do not submit
		       jokes that might offend any readers.
		       This group is often seen by people
		       who do not regularly use computers,
		       and there have been several
		       instances of problems raised by
		       offensive jokes. There have also
		       been several extended discussions of
		       the relation of this issue to free
		       speech. The conclusion of these
		       discussions has always been that
		       because the net exists largely at
		       the sufferance of large
		       institutions, who foot the bills, we
		       should all be very careful about
		       offending anyone.  Almost any
		       racial, or sexual reference will
		       offend somebody.  The safe rule is:
		       don't submit a joke unless you have
		       seen similar ones in this group

	net.jokes.d    Discussions about humor go here, not
		       in net.jokes

	net.news       Discussion of all aspects of usenet
		       itself belong here.

	net.news.group Creating a new group affects all the
		       machines on usenet.  Before you do
		       so, submit an item proposing the new
		       group to net.news.group and to
		       specific groups that may share
		       interests with your proposed new
		       group.  If after a week or two, you
		       have been contacted by some people
		       who support the idea, and you
		       haven't received any strenuous
		       objections, go ahead and create the

	net.sources    After being announced in some
		       appropriate place Useful programs
		       and shell scripts are put here.

14.  Here are some queries that seem to be submitted 
     frequently by new users. Please don't ask them out of
     idle curiosity.

	- "Where does foobar come from?" In my opinion the
	  best answer seems to be "Fouled up beyond all
	  recognition". There are lots of versions of this
	  "Acronym", in particular "Fouled" is usually
	  replaced by a less polite word.  (See discussion
	  of net.jokes for the reason I use the polite

	- "Does anybody know my freshman roommate, John
	  Doe, who I haven't seen in years but I think
	  works at Bell Labs?" If you really want to know,
	  try calling any Bell Labs location and asking the
	  operator.  (The Murray Hill number is 201-582-
	  3000.) They have lists and telephone numbers of
	  all employees.  The same of course applies to DEC
	  or UCB or whatever.

	- "How do I reply via mail to items from sites with
	  funny names?" These are mainly ARPANET sites, and
	  there are technical problems with communication
	  between usenet and ARPANET.  For the moment the
	  answer is: in general you can't.

	- "Is being called a 'hacker' a complement or an
	  insult?" Some people think one, some think the
	  other.  If you want to be unambiguous find
	  another word.

Phew!!  Don't let this long list intimidate you. The net
exists to be used.  It is a powerful tool and as long as
people treat it as a tool and not a toy it will prosper.

Jerry Schwarz