[comp.windows.x] xsplot - a SPICE plotting program for X 10.4

bradley@eniac.seas.upenn.edu (John Bradley - DSL ) (08/14/87)


I just posted the sources for this 'fine' program on comp.sources.misc.
You may want to snarf it.  Then again, you may not.  Either way, it's there.

John Bradley  -  University of Pennsylvania  -  bradley@cis.upenn.edu

jas@hpccc.HP.COM (Jeff Schmidt) (08/18/87)


I cannot find your xsplot posting in comp.sources.x.  Maybe our system did
not pick up on it.  Can you post it here or mail it to me directly.


Jeff Schmidt  (...!hplabs!jas@hpda)

garyc@tekecs.TEK.COM (Gary Combs) (08/20/87)

	We do not have a comp.sources.x newsgroup. Could xsplot be posted in comp.windows.x?

garyc@tekecs.TEK.COM (Gary Combs) (08/20/87)

	OOPS!! I forgot my signature!
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Gary Combs                  garyc@tekecs.GWD.TEK
Tektronix, Inc.             Wilsonvile, Oregon
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