[comp.windows.x] diskless sun problem....or: I don't get it..............



        I seem to be having a small problem that I was hoping someone
here could shed some light onto.  My company has several Sun Workstations
all running version 3.2 of the Sun Operating System.  Also all these machines
have /etc/X0.hosts set up on them.
        The problem is this.  According to theory, all our machines should
be able to bring up windows onto other machines.  This isn't true in all
cases.  We have one 3/50 diskless machine that can't currently be used as an
X graphics server.  No one else can pop up this machine.  It can pop up any
of the others and the others can each bring up each other.  Also, the machine
works fine on it's own. Here in lies my problem.
        I would appreciate any suggestions as to fixing this problem.  Please
send them directly to me as I am not on this news group.  The address is:
Thank you in advance for your help.

                                        Rebecca Tants
                                        System Manager
                                        New Methods Research Inc.