[comp.windows.x] Comment on Release Notes for X Version 11 Release 1

earle@MAHENDO.JPL.NASA.GOV (Greg Earle) (09/17/87)

I've just skimmed the `releasenotes' paper with X V11 R1.  After noting
all the bugs with the clients (`xxx dumps 
core' `xxx doesn't work on a
color frame buffer' `xxx freaks out under wm' `xxx does this & that');
the fact that there is a `new' resource manager that will be the
standard, but nothing uses it yet and uses the `old' one instead; and
finally, noting the real long time allowed for beta-test Release 4 (all
of a week and a half?), I'm wondering if someone didn't have a gun to
Athena's (collective) head to get Release 1 out to the waiting public
on Sept. 15th Or Else, no matter what the state of it was.

Can any of the particulars comment?  By the time I waded through the
BUGS sections for all those clients, I began to wonder `Why release it
if there are still this many outstanding (& recognized, that's really
the key - you can't do much about the bugs you haven't found yet) problems'.
I'm sure those in the know will have a better idea than I, but I just 
couldn't help being curious about that.  Since this *is* the Official
Godlike X Release, Standard Of The Known Universe, I would have thought
that beta test would have lasted until even the niggly-ass leaks were
spot-welded shut ... (then again, perhaps one should be taking the attitude
that the Protocol and sample server are Truly Godlike, and anything else you
get is gravy? - note that this is *not* a flame, I'm just wondering)

Wait for Release 2, anyone?

	Greg Earle		earle@mahendo.JPL.NASA.GOV
	Sun Consultant		earle%mahendo@jpl-elroy.ARPA	[aka:]
	Rockwell International	earle%mahendo@elroy.JPL.NASA.GOV
	Seal Beach, CA		...!cit-vax!elroy!jplgodo!mahendo!earle

swick@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Ralph R. Swick) (09/18/87)

Had your phones been as busy as ours the past few months, you might
feel differently about our schedule.  The figurative "gun" in this
case was the outside world; we are being swamped with requests to
"send everything you can".  We would have liked very much to be able
to take another month or two to clean things up, however in real time
those 2 months would have required 6 while we responded to more
requests for information/pre-releases.

Somewhere in the editing process I had a paragraph about not expecting
XV11R1 to be as shaken-out as XV10R4.  The version 11 protocol is a
significant change/improvement over the version 10 protocol.
Re-shaping applications to take advantage of the new protocol is not
an over-night process.  We fully expect that it will take another
release or two before all the new kinks are worked out.

While we are not enthusiastic about some of the compromises we had to
make (i.e. sending multiple versions of several libraries), we are
confident that this release does meet the "useability" objective.  We
are also confident that the interfaces at the server and Xlib level,
which are the critical ones for application portability, are robust
and that it will be several years (cross your fingers) before another
cataclysm is required.

Were we a commercial organization instead of an academic one, we would
not have slipped the release either; we simply wouldn't have told you
about all the bugs. :-)

As to waiting until Release 2 - it's your choice, but from the mail we've
been getting, you'll be pretty lonely.


RWS@ZERMATT.LCS.MIT.EDU (Robert Scheifler) (09/19/87)

If you look at the list of contributors, you will discover that V11R1
was a rather major public undertaking.  Now, reflect on that, and
realize that not all companies out there were contributing to the public
effort, and that even those companies that were certainly didn't expend
all of their energies in the public arena.  Then think about a snowball
rolling down a mountainside, and little MIT standing half way down
thinking about whether to try and stop the snowball.  It just wasn't
sensible.  There are enough companies out there, sinking enough time
into it, fixing bugs and creating applications independent of MIT, and
in some cases writing their entire systems from scratch.  At some point
we had to say "OK, you can go to product now".  That time had come.  The
protocol and the major interfaces are in good shape.  Sure, there are
lots of rough edges on the code, and a fair number of stupid bugs.  The
stupic bugs will get fixed quickly, we'll let you know about them ASAP
in most cases, and the rough edges will smooth in time.  The next
release, in December or January, will be a lot more polished.  However,
we were getting >1000 mail message a week, we had someone working full
time just on trying to empty out someone else's mailbox, we were getting
dozens of phone calls a day, people pleading with us for "bits, any
bits", pleading for beta test access two days before the release, etc.
Better to just get it out there.  Better to have people complain that
mumble dumps core on a color Sun, rather than have them continue to
complain that X10 doesn't do splines on a Sun.  This release is not
Godlike; the protocol and library interfaces are hopefully like that,
but the Sample Server should be viewed as just a sample, not as a
Reference Implementation.