[net.news] More thoughts on a survey survey and user count update

bobvan (12/04/82)

The more I think about this "survey survey" idea, the more I come to
realize that there are many things that should be on the list that
really aren't surveys.  The only one I had on the prototype list was
the source for the netiquette document.  Since then, it has occurred
to me that both the logical and physical (?) net maps should be
listed.  Listing net addresses for the DECWARS and LBJ anthologies
would certainly cut down on flames.  Also, the joke decryption program
and a recent index of net.sources should be posted periodicly.  This
would minimize requests like this one recently seen in this newsgroup:

	A little while ago, someone posted an article advertising an
	updated version of expire that would, among other things,
	rebuild the history file.  Now I need it.  ...

	Could someone send this stuff to me or re-post it to

How many times have your found yourself in this situation?  I know it
has happened to me.

We have used never-expiring articles to archive articles of great
importance (such as the netiquette article).  An inherent problem
with this idea is that sites that join the net since the article was
posted don't get a copy.  It is ironic that these are the sites that
need it the most.  (Perhaps someone should be in charge of mailing it
to new sites.  It could be automaticly mailed to user "usenet" at the
new site by a simple shell script invoked from some site's sys file.)

In the two weeks since the netiquette article was posted, we've
received nine new site announcements.  If this growth continues, over
1/4 of the sites will not have the article in less than a year.  Don't
get me wrong; I'm not saying that we shouldn't use never-expiring
articles -- I'm just pointing up a shortcoming of the idea.

When discussing news archiving recently, someone on the net suggested a
"distributed archive" -- each site is responsible for keeping an
archive of all the news it sends out.  The idea was shot down in flames
by sites that are gateways.  I claim that there is a sort of "natural
distributed archive" out there already.  Anyone who posts something of
value generally keeps a copy.  This would certainly seem true in the
case of net.sources.  If you've got the source on-line, it is a trivial
matter to mail out a copy whenever someone asks for a copy.

I propose that we (the net) regularly post an index for net.sources.
Much like the "survey survey", the index would consist of the name and
net address of the author, the posting date, and a one line description
of the program.  With the current frequency of net.sources postings, it
wouldn't take much effort to maintain such an index.  Requesting source
directly from the author only when you are ready to use it means that
you'll have the lastest and greatest version.  If all else fails, you
can always ask the net.

So, to summarize and conclude, I suggest that the regularly posted
"survey survey" also include at least a net.sources index and perhaps a
few other pointers to other things of general interest.  I invite your
comments on these ideas.


				Bob Van Valzah

P.s.  The current "accurate" tally of news readers per site has dropped
to about 17.5, with about 20% of the sites reporting in.  That puts the
net total at about 6,400.  The count derived from wc /usr/lib/news/users
remains at about 18,000.  These figure are subject to the same caveats
as before.  I am compiling a rather extensive list of reasons why they
are likely to be in error.