[comp.windows.x] dvi previewer available

grunwald@uiucdcsm.cs.uiuc.edu (11/05/87)

I've put a copy of my dvi previewer in pub/iptex.tar and pub/iptex.tar.Z
on the host 'a.cs.uiuc.edu', where it is accessible by public FTP. This is
the version of Nov 4, 17:00. If you grabbed an older version, get the new
one. It's 393Kb uncompressed, 160Kb compressed.

This isn't a very clean distribution, nor a final one, but I would like people
to use it to help clean up the previewer & get it working on multiple
hosts. No man pages, no installation guide, those will follow.

The previewer is in ./previewers/xdvi.c, with associated routines in
dvistuff.c. This has been tested on a Sun3/260 & Sun3/50, and I know that
it doesn't work on PC/RT (I think it has to do with the structure pointer
increment bug)

To get it running, edit the makefile to change the FONTDESC variable
(see below), type 'make thelib', and then cd to the previewers dir
& type 'make xdvi'. Or, at the main level 'make all' if you want to
make 'iptex' to.

If your display has room, you get two leaves of a book on your display.
You can hit return to more foreward (other keys too, but forgot which)
or BS/DEL to backup.

To enlargen an area, point to it with the spray can, and hit a button.
The first time you do this to a given page, it takes a while because
it needs to compute the page at the larger size. You'll notice the little
watch comes up when things are computing.

It isn't really smart about being obscured -- don't complain if you cover
parts of it while it's drawing. If it is obscured when it starts to paint
a page, it paints it to a pixmap & then displays that. Otherwise, it
paints to the display & then copys the display to the pixmap.

There are some options to force the number of leaves & the normal and
large shrink size. This will be documented after other hacks come with
fixes for other architectures.

Oh yah -- the fonts are described using a table, usually named 'fontdesc'.
This is done instead of looking at the TEXFONTS variable.
Mine follows:

# Sample C-TeX font configuration file.
# N.B.: choose only one of `box' or `blank' TFM fonts.
# current directory always searched first
font	pk	*	3	./%f.%mpk
font	gf	*	3	./%f.%mgf
font	pxl	*	3	./%f.%mpxl
# this is not pretty
font	blank	*	1	i/%f.tfm
font	box	*	1	./%f.tfm

font	pk	*	3	/usr/local/lib/tex82/fonts/%f/%f.%mpk
font	gf	*	3	/usr/local/lib/tex82/fonts/%f/%f.%mgf
font	pxl	*	3	/usr/local/lib/tex82/fonts/%f/%f.%mpxl
# SLiTeX invisible fonts can be done with links:
font	blank	*	1	/usr/local/lib/tex82/slitex82fonts/%f.tfm
font	box	*	1	/usr/local/lib/tex82/fonts/%f.tfm

grunwald@uiucdcsm.cs.uiuc.edu (11/05/87)

oops, forgot to point out that this is for X11, not X10.