[comp.windows.x] Patch to uwm for Mod1Mask - Mod5Mask

mlandau@bbn.com (Matt Landau) (11/05/87)

Apply the following patch to clients/uwm, and it will magically understand
"modN" or "N", where N is a digit from 1 to 5, as mouse modifiers.

If you're on a Sun, you may then want to include

	xmodmap -L
	xmodmap +2 Caps_Lock

in whatever you use to start up the server, and use the Mod2 bit in your
.uwmrc to give you and extra mouse modifier.

This has been sent along to xbugs, so at some point it may be an officially
"blessed" patch.  For the moment, though, it's unofficial and you're on your

*** /tmp/,RCSt1a01269	Thu Nov  5 14:31:29 1987
--- globals.c	Thu Nov  5 14:19:48 1987
*** 205,214 ****
      { "c", ControlMask },
      { "lock", LockMask },
      { "l", LockMask },
-     { "meta", Mod1Mask },
-     { "m", Mod1Mask },
      { "shift", ShiftMask },
      { "s", ShiftMask },
      { NULL, NULL }
--- 205,224 ----
      { "c", ControlMask },
      { "lock", LockMask },
      { "l", LockMask },
      { "shift", ShiftMask },
      { "s", ShiftMask },
+     { "meta", Mod1Mask },
+     { "m", Mod1Mask },
+     { "mod1", Mod1Mask },
+     { "1", Mod1Mask },
+     { "mod2", Mod2Mask },
+     { "2", Mod2Mask },
+     { "mod3", Mod3Mask },
+     { "3", Mod3Mask },
+     { "mod4", Mod4Mask },
+     { "4", Mod4Mask },
+     { "mod5", Mod5Mask },
+     { "5", Mod5Mask },
      { NULL, NULL }
RCS file: RCS/globals.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -c -r1.1 globals.c