[comp.windows.x] Calendar tool for XV10R4

hagens@CS.WISC.EDU (Robert Hagens) (11/10/87)

In response to Dan Dickey's question about a monthtool equivalent for X:

I have written a program called 'xcal' which will display appointments.
Appointments are stored in a calendar file (normally ~/.cal) and take the form:
day/date, time, message. A few examples are

mon <12:00> weekly appointment
5/9 		yearly appointment
*/15		monthly appointment

When started, xcal will show a month (as a window of boxes, each box is a day) 
displaying appointments for each day.
This 'month window' may be switched to any month/year desired.

When iconified, xcal will show the current month, highlighting the current
day. Mouse clicks on the icon will show appointments for that day.

Finally, if a time is associated with an appointment, xcal will pop up a
window warning that the appointment is near.

Xcal uses X10R4 & the Sx toolkit. 
Although currently undergoing some final bug fixes,
it is nearly ready to be placed on hoser.

Stay tuned for more details,

Rob Hagens
UW Madison Computer Science
hagens @ cs.wisc.edu