[comp.windows.x] loading CLX in lucid

Rick.Busdiecker@SPICE.CS.CMU.EDU.UUCP (11/25/87)

I get the impression that I have to start up lisp (Lucid Development
Environment Version 2.0.3 on a Sun 3/60) in the CLX code directory in
order for the LOAD-CLX function to work properly.  Is there some way
around this?  Changing the value of *default-pathname-defaults* didn't
to the trick.

Overall, I think that the loading and compiling functions provided in
defsys.lisp in the PCL collection are somewhat superior to those in
defsystem.lisp in CLX; they don't modify the USER package and they
don't require that you be in a particular directory.  Perhaps the CLX
authors should incorporate these facilities into CLX?

Lest I come across as totally critical, I'd like to compliment the
authors on a really nice interface to X11.  CLX totally blows away the
C call-out interface to X10 that I used on an IBM-RT.


RWS@ZERMATT.LCS.MIT.EDU (Robert Scheifler) (11/25/87)

COMPILE-CLX and LOAD-CLX take an optional pathname-defaults in an
attempt at doing the right thing, but I make no claims that it actually
works.  Most of the development and testing got done on systems with
real defsystem capabilities ...

If someone would like to contribute (public) code that is reasonable for
non-lispm environments, we'd be happy to incorporate it.

liz@edsel.UUCP (Liz Heller) (11/25/87)

I'm guessing that you're omitting the final slash after the
pathname.  Currently, in Lucid Common Lisp, 

	(load-clx "/foo/bar/baz/") 

will work (if your clx code is in /foo/bar/baz/*), while

	(load-clx "/foo/bar/baz") 

will not work (because baz is interpreted to be a file, not a
directory).  Anyway, the former works when I try it.  Let me know
if that solves your problem.

Liz Heller
Lucid, Inc.


I notice that you say you are running Lucid 2.0.3.  Not a good idea.
I had trouble with the garbage collector trashing CLX data.  Just try
putting a (GC) inside of hello-world.  The folks at Lucid verified the
problem (thanks!). I'm now running 2.1 and CLX without any problems.
Also, a lot of other things run more smoothly in 2.1.

-Jim Helman
-Aero/Astro Department
-Stanford University

Rick.Busdiecker@SPICE.CS.CMU.EDU.UUCP (11/26/87)

Thanks for all of the suggestions, however I was not able to get them
to work.  I've included a log of my attempts.  Can anyone figure this
out?  If there's a post-60 patch that affects this, then that's most
likely my problem, but the responses that I got didn't mention anything
like that.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

;;; Sun Common Lisp, Development Environment Version 2.0.3, 19-Dec-86
;;; Copyright (c) 1986 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All Rights Reserved
;;; This software product contains confidential and trade secret
;;; information belonging to Sun Microsystems.  It may not be copied
;;; for any reason other than for archival and backup purposes.

> (load "/usr/rick/CLX/" defsystem")
> (load-clx "/usr/rick/CLX/")
>>Interrupt: segmentation violation

   Required arg 0 (X): #<Unknown-Object -108D969D>

:A    Abort to Lisp Top Level
-> :a
Back to Lisp Top Level

> (load-clx (pathname "/usr/rick/CLX/"))
ld: socket.o: No such file or directory
>>Error: In foreign file loading -- reading object file

   Required arg 0 (FILES): ("socket.o")
   Optional arg 1 (FOREIGN-SYMBOL-ALIST): ((#:CONNECT-TO-SERVERG1 . "_connect_to_server"))
   Optional arg 2 (LIBRARIES): ("-lc")

:A    Abort to Lisp Top Level
-> (directory "/usr/rick/CLX/"                           (dolist (f (directory "/usr/rick/CLX/")) (print f))

	. . .


	. . .

-> (quit)