[comp.windows.x] Multi-column xterm?

andrew@frip.gwd.tek.com (Andrew Klossner) (12/11/87)

The screen size and aspect ratio of my workstation (a Tektronix 4316)
are such that a two-column xterm would increase my personal
productivity.  It would look something like:

	|                      title                        |
       /|                        |                        | |
      | | (top half of virtual   | (bottom half of        | |
 n rows |  screen appears here)  |  virtual screen        | |
      | |                        |  appears here)         | |
       \|                        |                        | |
	 \------80 columns------/ \------80 columns------/

The terminal model seen by software would be a conventional single
screen with 2*n rows and 80 columns.  Lines that scroll off the top of
the second column would scroll onto the bottom of the first column, for
example.  Programs like Unix more(1) would act as though showing
successive two-page segments of a file, much like flipping through a

Is anyone working on something like this?

  -=- Andrew Klossner   (decvax!tektronix!tekecs!andrew)       [UUCP]
                        (andrew%tekecs.tek.com@relay.cs.net)   [ARPA]