[comp.windows.x] Help with events and propagate

"Michael_K._Powers.WBST139"@XEROX.COM (12/16/87)

	I could use some advice on how to handle the following scenario with Xlib:
	I have a window mapped with several children. Every window is set so that none
of the events propagate. I have a menu ready and waiting to popup as soon as the
user presses both buttons on the mouse ANYWHERE inside the top window even if it
is on a child window. With the propagate set as it is (and the application needs
it this way) the "chord" event never makes it through to the top window. Is
there a way to ask for an event in a parent window disregarding the children. In
effect this would act for that one event like it was mapped on top of it's

	Another scenario:
	The menu is now up and the buttons are realeased. The menu will remain visible
and Enter/Leave events are used to highlight menu items. If the user selects(by
a button down event) an item it is selected, flashes, and then the menu goes
away. If the user selects anywhere off the menu the menu goes away. How should
the menu ask for any button event anywhere in the top mapped window (not the
root) excluding the menu itself? The menu must also temporarily disable any
other window from getting events until it is done. 

