[comp.windows.x] Xrlib V11 Announcement

fred@hpcvlo.HP.COM (Fred Taft) (12/19/87)


         XX    XX         ll  ii  bb           VV      VV   11   11
           XX XX    r rr  ll      bb            VV    VV   111  111
            XXX     rr r  ll  ii  bbbb           VV  VV     11   11
           XX XX    rr    ll  ii  bb  b           VVVV      11   11
         XX     XX  rr    ll  ii  bbbb             VV       11   11


   The Hewlett-Packard Company is proud to announce the availability of the
   source code for the Xrlib toolkit library, running under X Version 11.  

   The source code is available through anonymous ftp from zap.mit.edu, at MIT.
   The files are stored in a compressed tar file format, in the following

                |                  |                  |
             README          Xr11Src.tar.Z      Xr11Doc.tar.Z

   When attempting to access the files on zap.mit.edu, using ftp, the
   following information is necessary:

     zap.mit.edu address =
     anonymous ftp login = ftp
     anonymous ftp password = ftp

   When using ftp, you are encouraged to enable the binary transfer mode; this
   is done by entering the ftp command 'binary'.

   All of the information describing the steps necessary for compiling the
   Xrlib V11 code is included within the assorted README files.

   The README file also outlines the steps necessary for reporting bugs and
   other problems.

fred@hpcvlo.HP.COM (Fred Taft) (12/19/87)

 An additional note:

   When posting bug reports, documentation errors, or any other type of query,
   please mail to the following address:
