[comp.windows.x] Andrew Toolkit Release Notes

mss+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU (Mark Steven Sherman) (02/09/88)

I have uploaded the following files onto zap.mit.edu ( for 
installing the Andrew Toolkit:


The first file is a text file that describes the installation process for 
building an Andrew Toolkit and related applications. Part of the process 
involves applying a collection of patches to the sources in the original tar 
file. The patches are in the second file, a compressed tar file. When 
uncompressed and untarred, there are 33 "difference" files that can be used by 
the patch program on the X.V11R1 tape (files are numbered 1 [sic] to 36 with 
1, 13 and 14 missing). One suggested way to apply the patches is by using the 
following command (assuming "Patches" is the directory containing the 
cat Patches/? Patches/?? | patch -p

As stated in an earlier message, one of our reasons in getting these materials 
out early is so that people can provide feedback on how well they can get the 
system running on their machines. As best as we can, we will try to 
incorporate all required changes into the version that gets shipped on the 
X.V11R2 tape. However, the time and network constraints between now and Feb 14 
may prohibit us from uploading all patches that actually will be applied to 
the final version.

As always, please send comments, code sources, or difference files to 
