[comp.windows.x] termcap entry for xterm

pds@quintus.UUCP (Peter Schachte) (02/12/88)

I've been trying to get an xterm of size other than 24x80 to work with
editors, more, etc. but without much success.  Does someone out there
have a termcap entry for xterm that will support sizes other than
24x80?  It would be nice if I could resize the xterm window after it
was created, too, if possible.  But I'll take what I can get.  Anyone
have anything for this?
-Peter Schachte

bob@triceratops.cis.ohio-state.edu (Bob Sutterfield) (02/14/88)

In article <638@sandino.quintus.UUCP> pds@quintus.UUCP (Peter Schachte) writes:
>an xterm of size other than 24x80...termcap entry for xterm that will
>support sizes other than 24x80?

When you create an xterm window, the environment variable TERMCAP will
be created correctly for whatever size window you have specified.  You
can always change co# and li# fields, but that's the Wrong Way:

>...It would be nice if I could resize the xterm window after it was
>created, too, if possible.

Look at resize, which can be used to change the physical size of the
xterm window and make corresponding changes to TERMCAP all in one
swell foop.  The manual page suggests a couple of csh aliases for
commands to use to resize xterm windows.  I use things like "xrs 37
92" with no problem at all.
 Bob Sutterfield, Department of Computer and Information Science
 The Ohio State University; 2036 Neil Ave. Columbus OH USA 43210-1277
 bob@cis.ohio-state.edu or ...!cbosgd!osu-cis!bob

kline@uxc.cso.uiuc.edu (02/17/88)

/* Written  9:14 am  Feb 14, 1988 by bob@triceratops.cis.ohio-state.edu */
>In article <638@sandino.quintus.UUCP> pds@quintus.UUCP (Peter Schachte) writes:
>>...It would be nice if I could resize the xterm window after it was
>>created, too, if possible.
>Look at resize, which can be used to change the physical size of the
>xterm window and make corresponding changes to TERMCAP all in one
>swell foop.  The manual page suggests a couple of csh aliases for
>commands to use to resize xterm windows.  I use things like "xrs 37
>92" with no problem at all.

If you have a 4.3-compatible tty driver and at least xterm 2.2, xterm
set the tty driver's row and column attributes on a resize. Vi and more
and several other programs look at those attributes when figuring out
the terminal size. Some, however, don't. Also, xterm will send a SIGWINCH
signal to the controlling process. If the controlling process is vi, it
will understand this signal and change its own notion of screen size,
repainting the window in the process. It's pretty slick, actually.

> Bob Sutterfield, Department of Computer and Information Science

Charley Kline, University of Illinois Computing Services