[net.news] the Zinfandel Syndrome

warren (12/31/82)

The duplicates are coming out of a notesfile system.  We have
already had several failures of this nature, where a notesfile to
netnews gateway screws up and constantly re-posts articles.  I
expect that everybodies spool directories will be full of them by
next Monday, but I can suggest some short and long term fixes:

1)	If anyone in sytek or tektronix is still alive, well, and
	reading news, maybe they could shut down their link to
	zhentel until someone cleans up their act!  All of our
	duplicates come through one of these two sites.
2)	To prevent this kind of nonsense in the future, it would be
	nice if there were some command that could be sent to a news
	site that would force it to shut up.  It would be quite
	simple to do, since all you would have to do is read
	/dev/null instead of the sys file, which would permit news
	reception and local posting, but keep anything from going
	out over the network.  Obviously mis-use of this facility
	would be a serious crime, punishable by forcing the
	perpretrator(s) to copy the entire accumulated archives of
	news on the board 42 times.
3)	On the other hand, maybe we should just gateway all news
	from zinfandel into net.wines, where we can all unsubscribe
	to it.
	(Sorry, it's been a long day)
	Warren Montgomery (ihnss!warren)

bcw (01/04/83)

From:	Bruce C. Wright @ Duke University
Re:	The Zinfandel Syndrome (sounds like some cheap SF movie!)

This sounds like a good opportunity to suggest something which occurred to
me some time ago:  it would help eliminate a lot of trash if I could, in
addition to blacklisting certain newsgroups I don't want to read, if I could
blacklist certain individuals/sites whose submissions I don't want to read.
I know this sounds like guilt-by-association, but one has to defend oneself
somehow, and if there is no other appropriate mechanism ... well, I may be
forced to simply desubscribe to essentially ALL the newsgroups since the
proportion of useful information has dropped to just about 0.

Please direct any flames to /dev/null, as that is where any hate mail on this
subject will be dropped anyway ...

			Bruce C. Wright @ Duke University