[comp.windows.x] Selection versus cut buffers

diamant@hpfclp.SDE.HP.COM (John Diamant) (04/24/88)

At what point are the standard clients (like xterm, xmh, etc) going
to be converted over to using the X primary selection as opposed to
cut buffers?  I realize that the holdup has been working out the
conventions for selection as well as providing support in the Toolkit.
Both of these areas seem to be proceeding, so I'm curious when I
am likely to see the switchover.  I want to start using selection in
my new programs, but currently it's a real pain because none of the
other programs know about it.

Thanks in advance,

John Diamant
Software Development Environments
Hewlett-Packard Co.		ARPA Internet: diamant@hpfclp.sde.hp.com
Fort Collins, CO		UUCP:  {hplabs,hpfcla}!hpfclp!diamant

swick@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Ralph R. Swick) (05/03/88)

> At what point are the standard clients (like xterm, xmh, etc) going
> to be converted over to using the X primary selection as opposed to
> cut buffers?

One goal of the next release is to bring Xt, Xaw and clients/* in
compliance with the IC3M.  Standard disclaimers as to dates apply.
As you note, a piece-meal approach will be highly undesireable.