hyland@esosun.UUCP (Steve Hyland) (05/20/88)
For those of you who want to know where X Ada is: The current release of the Ada binding for X Windows from SAIC under STARS contract is available on the AJPO.SEI.CMU.EDU computer for retrieval via anonymous ftp (in the UNIX directory ~ftp/public/infoada/x11 - get x11.tar.Z in BINARY mode if you are on another UNIX site and have the compress utility; - go to the directory ~ftp/public/infoada/x11/x11 and get the individual files in ASCII mode if not). It is also available from SAIC - point of contact is provided in the original announcement, repeated below. The R1 directory is: ~ftp/public/infoada/x11r1 The R2 directory will be: ~ftp/public/infoada/x11r2 In x11r2 there will be: x11r2.src -- paged version x11r2.tar.Z -- compressed tar version various individual files -- Karl -- --------------------------- Note that X11R2 has been compiled under the Alsys compiler on the Sun. We will post the package bodies for the Telesoft compiler shortly. Anyone want to volunteer to do the port to Verdix ? Thanks, Steve Hyland SAIC