haque@dg.cs.umn.edu (Samudra E. Haque) (05/22/88)
Hello, I don't get read this newsgroup regularily (I only read 52 or so other ones on office time ;-), so please try to mail me a note to the address in my signature.. If you can't get to me, please post a note to soc.net-people as this is really really important for me to find out! I'd like any pointers as to what the status is (i.e. most current revision, if any) of X for the IBM compatible world. Specifically: o does it exist? o does it have mouse support? o does it know about tcp/ip and-or nfs? o what versions should I look for and where? o what major hardware (i.e. memory) does the implementation require? o what is the status of Copyright(s) of the software product. This is of course assuming that there *is* a version for the PC. As of about 2 years ago - I was told "yes", and in fact a few days ago again. But, as to the question of "where" .. that is the $64000 question. Any suggestions will be appreciated. I do have the 60 or so megabytes of X11R2 in a tar format - but have not yet unpacked and read through the documentation yet. The person who gave me the tar file did mention that he did *not* see any words about the PC version. I hope he is wrong... Thanks very much - and have a nice day! Samudra E. Haque Computer Science Laboratories, Computer Science Department University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455 (1)-(612)-625-0876 || haque@dg.cs.umn.edu || umn-cs!haque%dg.cs.umn.edu