lee (01/22/83)
I too am wondering why net.college was created without discussion. I agree with Matt Landau that it is probably a good idea but there IS a protocol and there are good reasons for it. I don't know what the Usenet manager at Reed College has been doing but s/he hasn't been reading net.news. Another issue that comes to mind is the mis-match between the name net.college and it's charter. From reading the charter, I would think that the name net.unixPIRG or net.activist might be closer to the mark. There are activists who are not college students and while every student at Reed may be an activist, it would be very provincial to assume that this is generally true. With the name of "net.college" the natural urge is to post articles such as: "Spring Break: Daytona vs. Fort Lauderdale" or "Why Hell-Week is a Good Idea". Lee Moore U. of Rochester p.s. I DO plan to go to Florida for Spring Break.