[comp.windows.x] Question on detecting button presses and mouse position

schultz@NRL-AIC.ARPA (Alan Schultz) (06/10/88)

I am having trouble figuring out how to do the following in CLX.
The CLX documentation (doc.lisp) along with the Xlib documentation have
not made it clear to me.

I want to write a lisp function that when called will wait a certain
amount of time for a mouse button to be clicked, and return the x, y
coordinates of the mouse at the time the button was pressed. If the button
is not pressed within that time limit, the function will return nil.

All graphics occur on the ROOT WINDOW! There are no other windows in use.
Yes, I know this is not a good way to do things, but I am tasked with
porting this system with MINIMAL changes to the original code, and this is
a standalone system where it is assumed that nothing else is going on.

All of the CLX code I have written up to know was graphics oriented, and
there was no event processing going on. I am having trouble understanding
how to do the above, in the simplest was possible. 


   Alan C. Schultz
   Code 5510
   Navy Center for Applied Research in Artificial Intelligence (NCAR A I)
   Naval Research Laboratory
   Washington, D.C. 20375-5000
   ARPA: schultz@nrl-aic.arpa
   (202) 767-2877

RWS@ZERMATT.LCS.MIT.EDU (Robert Scheifler) (06/10/88)

XLIB:EVENT-CASE has a :TIMEOUT option that you can use to do what you
want.  As a simplified example of what you are attempting to do:

(xlib:event-case (dpy :timeout 7.5) (button-press (x y) `(,x ,y)))