[comp.windows.x] Xperfmon for X11?

km@emory.uucp (Ken Mandelberg) (06/16/88)

Has anyone ported xperfmon to X11? I can run the X10 version with
x10tox11, but it doesn't get along real well with the window manager.
Ken Mandelberg      |  {decvax,sun!sunatl,gatech}!emory!km  UUCP
Emory University    |  km@emory                             BITNET
Dept of Math and CS |  km@emory.ARPA                        ARPA,CSNET
Atlanta, GA 30322   |  Phone: (404) 727-7963

jim@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Jim Fulton) (06/16/88)

It is in the user-contributed section of the Release 2 tape; look for 

gregh@bilbo.locus (Gregory Holmberg) (06/17/88)

> Has anyone ported xperfmon to X11? I can run the X10 version with
> x10tox11, but it doesn't get along real well with the window manager.

It's in contrib/xperfmon.  It's messy but it works.  I've ported some of
it to SVR3.  I've got the first 4 or 5 statistics working.  Getting
network stats on SVR4 is not easy.


turner@daisy.UUCP (D'arc Angel) (06/17/88)

I spent a good bit of time trying to port this to SunOS on the 386i box with
no success, can anyone out there (Sun you listening?) help me with this ?

Don't you think that Mahitabel is a bit too toujour gay? - Archie
...{decwrl|ucbvax}!imagen!atari!daisy!turner (James M. Turner)
Daisy Systems, 700 E. Middlefield Rd, P.O. Box 7006, 
Mountain View CA 94039-7006.                          (415)960-0123