RWS@ZERMATT.LCS.MIT.EDU (Robert Scheifler) (07/09/88)
Date: 8 Jul 88 23:36:40 GMT From: pcrat! (Rick Richardson) I'm sitting here, in wonder, at how the X11R2 tape could completely ignore support for the biggest potential base of X-windows users: 80386 boxes, System V/386, with EGAs or VGAs. I'm sitting here, in wonder, at how people think the server ddx layers on our distribution come into existence. MIT doesn't write them; people in various companies write them, and are gracious enough to donate them and help maintain them. If the companies producing 386 ports are keeping them proprietary, and are aiming their ports where they see market potential, that's their business, and I have no complaints. On the other hand, if someone wants to donate 386 support, I won't complain about that either.