[net.news] A Flame for the Lazy and Unenlightened

ka (02/22/83)

A lot of the problems Perry mentions are inherent to USENET.
I think	that asking for	assistance over	USENET is reasonable
(although I agree that it can be overdone).  New people	keep on
getting	added to USENET	at quite a fast	rate, so that a	topic
which was beaten into the ground 6 months ago will be new to a
large number of	people now.  Finally, one of the advantages of
USENET is that anyone who wants	to can post to USENET; but of
course this lack of a moderator	means that no quality standards
can be enforced.

I do think that	we should make more use	of summaries.  Generally,
a person who asks a question on	the net	should be expected to
collect	responses by mail and post the results after stripping
obvious	duplicates.
				Kenneth	Almquist