[comp.windows.x] ATT Licensed code contained in X11R2 Distribution

rick@seismo.CSS.GOV (Rick Adams) (06/15/88)

The X.V11R2 files:

are clearly derived from code covered by ATT license (despite the IBM
copyright notice on the Andrew files...).

If you don't have an ATT V7 (or greater) source license, you should
(legally anyway) remove those files from your system

Someday, maybe ATT will realize that it won't hurt them to release
these subroutines for public use (like they did with getopt).  (They
haven't been in an ATT distribution since V32. None of the System X
distributions have them) But, for now, they are still covered by


jr+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU (Jonathan Rosenberg) (07/12/88)

[From: rick@seismo.css.gov  (Rick Adams), Date: 14 Jun 88 19:05:14 GMT]

> The X.V11R2 files:
>       contrib/andrew/overhead/libmail/dbm.c
>       contrib/andrew/overhead/libmail/dbm.h
>       server/os/hpux/dbm.c
>       server/os/hpux/dbm.h

> are clearly derived from code covered by ATT license (despite the IBM
> copyright notice on the Andrew files...).

We inadvertently released the dbm files in `contrib/andrew/overhead/libmail/'.
(The copies in `server/os/hpux' are not ours -- did someone else make the same
mistake?)  The contents of these files are not needed by any of the released

> If you don't have an ATT V7 (or greater) source license, you should
> (legally anyway) remove those files from your system

Unfortunately, if you just delete those 2 files your next build will run into
trouble, because the files are mentioned in Makefile's.  We have just released
patch files to MIT that will zap the contents of the 2 files.  The announcement
of these patches will appear soon on the `info-andrew-bugs' mailing list (send
requests for subscription to `info-andrew-bugs-request@andrew.cmu.edu).

Sorry for the sloppiness.  Rick: thanks for noticing & bringing it to our

Jonathan Rosenberg
Manager, Andrew Message System Group