[comp.windows.x] more objects for ico

rusty@VIOLET.BERKELEY.EDU (07/19/88)

Just some dopey reductions of the provided ones.

/* objpyr.h - structure values for pyramid */

{	"pyramid", "pyramid",	/* long and short names */
	"cube",		/* long name of dual */
	5, 8, 5,	/* number of vertices, edges, and faces */
	{		/* vertices (x,y,z) */
			/* all points must be within radius 1 of the origin */
#define T 1.0
		{  T,  0,  0 },
		{ -T,  0,  0 },
		{  0,  T,  0 },
		{  0, -T,  0 },
		{  0,  0,  T },
		/* {  0,  0, -T }, */
#undef T
	{	/* faces (numfaces + indexes into vertices) */
		/*  faces must be specified clockwise from the outside */
		3,	0, 4, 2,
		/* 3,	0, 2, 5, */
		/* 3,	0, 5, 3, */
		3,	0, 3, 4,
		3,	1, 2, 4,
		/* 3,	1, 5, 2, */
		/* 3,	1, 3, 5, */
		3,	1, 4, 3,
		4,	0, 2, 1, 3,
},		/* leave a comma to separate from the next include file */
/* end */

/* objplane.h - structure values for plane */

{	"plane", "plane",	/* long and short names */
	"cube",		/* long name of dual */
	4, 4, 1,	/* number of vertices, edges, and faces */
	{		/* vertices (x,y,z) */
			/* all points must be within radius 1 of the origin */
#define T 1.0
		{  T,  0,  0 },
		{ -T,  0,  0 },
		{  0,  T,  0 },
		{  0, -T,  0 },
#undef T
	{	/* faces (numfaces + indexes into vertices) */
		/*  faces must be specified clockwise from the outside */
		4,	0, 2, 1, 3,
},		/* leave a comma to separate from the next include file */
/* end */