[comp.windows.x] AWM question and CLX sample

newton@cit-vax.Caltech.Edu (Mike Newton) (07/22/88)

Hi -- a CLX sample and an amw question:

'awm` question: i would like to use awm with borders.  In particular,  I would
like a single mouse click on the border (say, the left mouse button) to
iconify a window, while a mouse drag (also with the left button) should
resize the window.  No matter how i've tried setting up the .awmrc this will
not work.  Any hints would be appreciated!

Recently someone asked for some CLX samples.   Here is a very short one
that I use and enjoy.  Please tell me if you come up with any nice additions.
(This has only been tried on Suns under SunOS3.4 and KCL)

;;; -*- Mode:Lisp; Package:XLIB; Syntax:COMMON-LISP; Base:10; Lowercase:T -*-

;;; CLX - Point Graphing demo program

;;; Copyright (C) 1988 Michael O. Newton (newton@csvax.caltech.edu)

;;; Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy,
;;; modify, and distribute this software, provided that this complete
;;; copyright and permission notice is maintained, intact, in all copies and
;;; supporting documentation.  

;;; The author provides this software "as is" without express or
;;; implied warranty.

;;; This routine plots the recurrance 
;;;      x <- y(1+sin(0.7x)) - 1.2(|x|)^.5
;;;      y <- .21 - x
;;; As described in a ?? 1983 issue of the Mathematical Intelligencer
;;; It has ONLY been tested under X.V11R2 on a Sun3 running KCL

(in-package 'xlib :use '(lisp))

(export 'pict)

(defun pict (host &optional (point-count 100))
  "Sets up X11 code for drawing a pretty picture"
  (let* ((display (open-display host))
	 (width 800)
	 (height 800)
	 (screen (display-default-screen display))
	 (black (screen-black-pixel screen))
	 (white (screen-white-pixel screen))
	 (win (create-window
		:parent (screen-root screen)
		:background white
		:border black	:border-width 1
		:colormap (screen-default-colormap screen)
		:bit-gravity :center
		:event-mask '(:exposure :key-press)
		:x 20 :y 20
		:width width :height height))
	 (gc (create-gcontext
	       :drawable win
	       :background white
	       :foreground black)))
    (map-window win)				; Map the window
    ;; Handle events
	(event-case (display :force-output-p t)
                    (exposure  ;; Come here on exposure events
                     (window count)
                     (when (zerop count) ;; Ignore all but last exposure event
                       (clear-area window)
                       (draw-ppict win gc point-count 0.0 0.0 (* width 0.5)
                                   (* height 0.5))
                       (draw-glyphs win gc 10 10 "Press any key to exit")
                       ;; Returning non-nil causes event-case to exit
                    ;; ?? ADD CODE FOR RESIZE HERE!
                    (key-press () (return-from pict t))))
      (close-display display))))

;;; Draw points.  These should maybe be put into a an array so that they do
;;; not have to be recomputed on exposure.  X assumes points are in the range
;;; of width x height, with 0,0 being upper left and 0,H being lower left.
;;;      x <- y(1+sin(0.7x)) - 1.2(|x|)^.5
;;;      y <- .21 - x
;;; hw and hh are half-width and half-height of screen

(defun draw-ppict (win gc count x y hw hh)
  "Recursively draw pretty picture"
;;;  (declare (type card16 xf yf))
  (unless (zerop count)
    (let ((xf (floor (* (+ 1.0 x) hw ))) ;These lines center the picture
          (yf (floor (* (+ 0.7 y) hh ))))
      (draw-point win gc xf yf)
      (draw-ppict win gc (1- count) 
                  (- (* y (1+ (sin (* 0.7 x)))) (* 1.2 (sqrt (abs x))))
                  (- 0.21 x)
                  hh ))))

;;; (lines (make-array (* 500 4) :fill-pointer 0 :element-type 'card16))
;;; (curves (make-array (* 500 8) :fill-pointer 0 :element-type 'card16)))

newton@csvax.caltech.edu	amdahl!cit-vax!newton
Caltech 256-80			818-356-6771 (afternoons,nights)
Pasadena CA 91125		Beach Bums Anonymous, Pasadena President

	"Reality is a lie that hasn't been found out yet..."