[net.news] How many are there?

bobvan (11/30/82)

In a recent net.general article, Dave Ihnat wonders how many net news
readers there are out there.  I am willing to do the count if all the
news administrators will take a second a do this:

	wc /usr/lib/news/users | mail ...!bobvan

I'm also interested in the amount of real time spent reading news.
If you (news administrators) have output from /etc/sa lying around, please
mail me the amount of real time spent in readnews and the number of
invocations (first column of output).  Be sure and tell me the time
period covered by the figures.  I'll summarize.

				Bob Van Valzah

mark (12/01/82)

Alas, counting /usr/lib/news/users is not all that useful,
since the answer will be "1" on many systems (it gets created
with a default umask owned by the first person to run readnews,
so it will probably be unwritable by anybody else).  Also,
this doesn't uncount people who stop reading news or move
to another machine.

Anybody got a copy of the 2BSD "fleece" program?  If so, could
you post it to net.sources?  That program runs around looking
for a file with a given name in everybody's home directory
(driven by /etc/passwd).  You could count .newsrc's.  It would
help to ensure that the .newsrc has been touched in the past month.


vicki (12/01/82)

Counting .netrc files will not be completly right either.  Don't forget
the NEWSRC enviroment variable for people who share accounts.


whm (12/05/82)

The contents of the /usr/lib/news/users file is far from correct on
all our machines here.  I've looked at .newsrc files and at the
"users" file and lots of people are left out.  I've got my own version
of readnews (nothing new, just some mods) and my name appears several
times. I don't know why "users" is not being updated correctly
and I haven't got around to looking into it, but the "users" file
is not definitive by any means.  (And it is mode 666 here.)

If you wanted to do it right, I suppose you'd write a program that
would take `fleece .newsrc` as its argument list and perform various
types of stats on each file.  Let's see, I'd have it:
	Calculate total number of articles read per user
	Calculate number of subscribers for each group
	Calculate groups that have been unsubscribed to.
	Determine subscription philosophy, i.e. number of users
 	  that use "options -n all,!...", vs. "options -n g1,g2,...,gn"
	What else?
Any volunteers?

About Larry Kaufman's suggestion that Usenet people wear a distinctive
badge at Unicom...  I like the idea, but implementation might be a little
difficult.  It would be interesting to have a uniquely colored "dot" to
indicate that one is on Usenet.  I was pleased to see that the Unicom
registration forms have a "Network Address:" space on them, (but dismayed
that it wasn't Address(es)), I guess that indicates that the the badges
might include our network address (rather than just in the list of attendees.)

mclure (03/09/83)

sri-unix!mclure    Dec  1 13:23:00 1982

Unfortunately that method does not take into account notesfile users
of which there is an ever-increasing number.
