[comp.windows.x] CSCW 88: Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work

igreif@lotus.UUCP (08/01/88)

-------------- PROGRAM AND REGISTRATION INFORMATION ----------------

                               CSCW '88
       Second Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work     

                         September 26-28, 1988
                           Portland  Marriott
                            Portland, Oregon

                    Sponsored by ACM SIGCHI & SIGOIS
                            with support from
              Lotus Development Corporation & Xerox Corporation

CSCW is an interdisciplinary research field focussing on group work and
design of computer technology that can enhance the effectiveness of groups.
CSCW 88 will bring together academic and industry representatives
from many disciplines and perspectives -- computer science, organiza-
tion design, cognitive science, anthropology, sociology, artificial
intelligence, design theory, and practical engineering disciplines -- to
report recent results on collaboration and computer-support
for cooperative work.

------------------------ PRELIMINARY PROGRAM -----------------------

Sunday, September 25

6:00-9:00 p.m.  Registration
8:00-10:00 p.m.  Informal Reception

Monday, September 26

7:30-4:30  Registration

8:30- 9:00 Opening Remarks
Irene Greif, Lotus Development Corp.; Lucy Suchman, Xerox PARC

I.  9:00-10:30  Remote Communication

"Patterns of Contact and Communication in Scientific Research
     Robert Kraut, Bell Communications Research; Jolene Galegher,
     University of Arizona

"Video Conferencing as a Technology to Support Group Work:  A
 review of its failures"
     Carmen Egido, Bell Communications Research

"Design of a Multi-Media Vehicle for Social Browsing"
     Robert W. Root, Bell Communications Research

II.  11:00-12:30  Work Settings and Applications

"Computer Support for Biomedical Work Groups"
     G. Anthony Gorry, Andrew M. Burger, R. Jesse Chaney, Kevin
     B. Long, Christina M. Tausk, Baylor College of Medicine

"Computerized Medical Records and Compartimentalization in the
 Work Activity of Health Center Physicians"
     Yrjo Engestrom, Ritva Engestrom, University of Helsinki;
     Osmo Saarelma, M.D., Health Center of Espoo

"Who's in Charge Here? : Cooperative Work and Authority
 Negotiation on Police Helicopter Missions"
     Charlotte Linde, NASA Ames Research Center/National
     Research Council

12:30-2:00   Lunch

III.  2:00-3:30  Perspectives on Evaluation

"Why CSCW Applications Fail : Problems in the Design and Evaluation
 of Organizational Interfaces"
     Jonathon Grudin, MCC

"Encountering Electronic Work Groups: An Economic Perspective"
     Cludio Ciborra, New York University & University of Trent;
     Margrethe H. Olson, New York University

"From Participation to Cooperative Work: A Historical Analysis of
 Work Organization and Management Strategies"
     Joan Greenbaum, Aarhus University

IV.  4:00-5:30  Structured Communication Technologies

"Object Lens: A "Spreadsheet" for Cooperative Work"
     Kum-Yew Lai, Thomas W. Malone, MIT

"Local and Global Structuring of Communication in Cosmos: 
 Developing Linguistic Perspectives on Computer Supported
 Cooperative Work"
     John Bowers, University of Oxford; John Churcher,
     University of Manchester

"gIBIS: A Hypertext Tool for Exploratory Policy Discussion"
     Jeff Conklin, Michael L. Begeman, MCC

6:00-10:00  Reception at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry

Tuesday, September 27

8:30-4:30  Registration

I.  9-10:30  Practical Experiences in Systems Development

"Can Networks Make an Organization?"
     Tamar Bermann, Work Research Institute; Kari Thoresen,
     Norwegian Computing Center

"The Memoirs of Two Survivors"
     Gro Bjerknes, Tone Bratteteig, University of Oslo

"Designing for a Dollar a Day"
     Morten Kyng, Aarhus University

II.  11:00-12:30  Panels

"Communication, Coordination, & Group Performance"
     Moderator:  Tora K. Bikson, Rand Corporation

"CSCW:  What Does it Mean?"
     Moderator:  Lucy Suchman, Xerox PARC

12:30-2:00  Enjoy the local restaurants!

III.  2:00-3:30  Enabling Technologies and Environments

"Replicated Document Management in A Group Communication
     Leonard Kawell, Jr., Steven Beckhardt, Timothy Halvorsen,
     Raymond Ozzie, Iris Associates, Inc.; Irene Greif, Lotus
     Development Corp.

"Collaborative Document Production Using Quilt"
     Mary D.P. Leland, Robert S. Fish, Robert E. Kraut, Bell
     Communications Research

"Guided Tours and Tabletops: Tools for Communicating in a
 Hypertext Environment"
     Randall H. Trigg, Xerox PARC

IV.  4-5:30  Synchronous Communication

"A Use of Drawing Surfaces in Different Collaborative Settings"
     Sara A. Bly, J.C. Tang, Xerox PARC
"A Framework for Understanding the Workspace Activity of Design
     J.C. Tang, Xerox PARC;  L.J. Leifer, Stanford University

"Capturing the Capture Concepts: A Case Study in the Design of
 Computer-Supported Meeting Environments"
     Marilyn Mantei, Electronic Data Systems Corp.

"Conflict Management and Group Decision Support Systems"
     Marshall Scott Poole, Michael Homes, Gerardine DeSanctis,
     University of Minnesota

V.  Special Informal Evening Session with Douglas C. Engelbart

Wednesday, September 28

8:00-1:00:  Registration

I.  9:00-10:30  Collaborative Learning

"Childrens' Collaborative Use of a Computer Microworld"
     Janice Singer, Stephanie Behrend, University of Pittsburgh;
     Jeremy Roschelle, University of California, Berkeley

"Collaborative Learning in a Virtual Classroom"
     Starr Roxanne Hiltz, New Jersey Institute of Technology

"Sixth Graders and Shared Data"
     Denis Newman, BBN Laboratories, Inc.

II.  11:00-12:30  Electronic Mail

"Cooperative Work in the Andrew Message System"
     Nathaniel S. Borenstein, Carnegie Mellon University

"Work Group Structures and Computer Support: A Field Experiment"
     J.D. Eveland, Tora K. Bikson, Rand Corporation

"More than Just a Communication System: Diversity in the Use of
 Electronic Mail"
     Wendy E. Mackay, MIT

12:30-2:00  Lunch

III.  2-3:30  Perspectives

"The Communicative Economy of the Workgroup: 
 Multi-Channel Genres of Communication"
     Stephen Reder, Robert Schwab, Northwest Regional Education

"Contextualism as a World Hypothesis for the Reformation
 of Meetings"
     John Whiteside, Dennis Wixon, Digital Equipment Corp.

Invited Paper:  "Computer Support for Cooperative Design"
     Susanne Bodker, Pelle Ehn, Joergen Knudsen, Morten
     Kyng, Kim Madsen, Aarhus University

IV:  4:00-5:00  Closing Speaker

     Donald A. Norman, Institute for Cognitive Science,
     University of California, San Diego

-------------------- CSCW '88 Registration Form--------------------

Name _______________________________________________________
Title ______________________________________________________
Organization _______________________________________________

Address ______________________________________________________
City ________________________ State ______ Zip _______________
Country ___________________ Telephone ________________________
E-mail _______________________________________________________

__ Yes, I would like information about child care availability.

Advance Registration (received by August 26):

         __ ACM, SIG CHI, SIG OIS Member ($185)
            Member Number _________________
         __ Non-Member ($225)

Late Registration (after August 26):

         __ ACM, SIG CHI, SIG OIS Member ($225)
            Member Number _________________
         __ Non-Member ($265)

Student Registration:

          __ Student ($50)
             College or University___________________________________
             ID Number: ______________________

Registration includes receptions, coffee breaks, Monday & Wednesday
lunch, admission to all conference sessions, and a copy of conference

Please make check payable to CSCW '88 and send with this form to:

          CSCW '88, P.O. Box 40303, Portland, OR 97240-0303

--------------------- CSCW '88 Hotel Reservations ------------------

Mail to:              The Portland Marriott
                      1401 S.W. Front Street
                      Portland, Oregon 97201
                      Phone:  503-226-7600

Name _____________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________
City _______________________ State ______ Zip _______________
Country _________________________________

Please Reserve ___________________Room(s) for ______ Persons.

For Arrival On ___________________
Departure On _____________________

Room Rates:     Single Room (1 Bed, 1 Person) $71.00
                Double Room (1 Bed, 2 Persons) $71.00
                Double Double (2 Beds, 2 Persons) $71.00
                Triple (3 Persons) $81.00
                Quadruple (4 Persons) $91.00

Reservations will be held only until 6:00 p.m. To hold reservations
for late arrival, include a check for one night's lodgings in advance
or guarantee payment by credit card. To guarantee special conference
rates, please be sure your reservation reaches the hotel by Sept. 4.

Credit Card _____________________________
No. _____________________________________
Expiration Date: ___/___/___


CSCW '88 Conference Committee:

Conference Chair:       Irene Greif, Lotus Development Corp.
Program Chair:          Lucy Suchman, Xerox PARC
Local Arrangements:     George O. Goodman, BiiN
Treasurer:              Steve Reder, Northwest Regional Education Labs
International Advisor:  Najah Naffah, Bull Transac
Past Chair:             Herb Krasner, Lockheed
Publicity:              Julie Kling, Lotus Development Corp.
Registration:           Eleanor Wynn, Editor, Office Technology & People
Proceedings:            Deborah Tatar, Xerox PARC

Program Committee:      Daniel Bobrow, Xerox PARC
-----------------       Susanne Bodker, Aarhus University (Denmark)
                        Bertram Bruce, BBN
                        Barbara Grosz, Harvard University
                        Frank Halasz, MCC
                        Edwin Hutchins, Institute for Cognitive Science
                        Randy Katz, UC Berkeley
                        Thomas Malone, MIT Sloan School of Management
                        Robert Kraut, Bell Communications Research
                        Marilyn Mantei, Electronic Data Systems Corp
                        James H. Morris, Carnegie Mellon University
                        Brian Shackel, HUSAT Research Center (U.K.)
                        Lee Sproull, Carnegie Mellon University
                        Terry Winograd, Stanford University

FOR MORE INFORMATION, call Suzanne Sylvia at (617)225-1860 or
oa.cscw@xx.lcs.mit.edu or Julie Kling at (617)577-8500 or MCI
Mail 316-1232


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