[comp.windows.x] X10 on a Sun 4/110?

ndd@romeo.cs.duke.edu (Ned D. Danieley) (08/09/88)

Will X10R4 run on a Sun 4/110? We just bought one, and before I try
compiling X10 from scratch, I wonder if anyone has succeeded in getting
it to work. We can't go to X11 yet, since there are a couple of utilities
(xgraph, ximpv) that don't seem to be available (not to mention the
fact that I haven't ported our local software to X11).

Ned Danieley (ndd@sunbar.mc.duke.edu)
Basic Arrhythmia Laboratory
Box 3140, Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC  27710
(919) 684-6807 or 684-6942