[comp.windows.x] Addendum to the OSF UEC RFT.

nazgul@apollo.COM (Kee Hinckley) (08/10/88)

The following is a copy of the letter sent out on July 25th
from OSF, to recipients of the initial User Environment
Component RFT.  Any questions should be directed to the OSF
RFT Inquiry Desk ((508) 683-6803) or to the address given
within the letter.
				Kee Hinckley
				Open Software Foundation
Early last week we sent you a copy of OSF's User Environment
Component Request For Technology.  Since a part of the evaluation 
process is to review submission material at membership
meetings, it is important logistically for us to know which
organizations will be submitting technologies in response to
the RFT.

We have enclosed with this letter a short information form.
if you plan to submit a response to the RFT, we would like
you to fill out and return this form to OSF by August 15,
1988.  By returning the form, you will help us provide the
best possible technology review environment.  Please mail the
form to:
 		Open Software Foundation
 		20 Ballard Way
 		Lawrence, MA 01843
 		Attn:  RFT Inquiry Desk
We look forward to your reply.
Request For Technology -- User Environment Component
Submissions Checklist
Please include the following checklist as the cover to your
submission package, indicating items that are included.
 	1.	Five page proposed summary			____
 	2.	Application Programming Interface Specification	____
 	3.	Style Guide documentation			____
 	4.	Sample application source and screen images	____
 	5.	Other relevant materials			____
Please contact the RFT Inquiry Desk by August 15, 1988, if
you plan to response to the Request for Technology.

### {mit-erl,yale,uw-beaver}!apollo!nazgul ###   (Apple ][e ProLine BBS)    ###
###      apollo!nazgul@eddie.mit.edu       ###    nazgul@pro-angmar.uucp    ###
###           nazgul@apollo.uucp           ### (617) 641-3722 300/1200/2400 ###
I'm not sure which upsets me more; that people are so unwilling to accept       responsibility for their own actions, or that they are so eager to regulate     everyone else's.