[comp.windows.x] Determining validity/type of unknown XIDs - how ??

RWS@ZERMATT.LCS.MIT.EDU (Robert Scheifler) (08/11/88)

    Date: 11 Aug 88 01:17:03 GMT
    From: vsi1!daver!athsys!jim@AMES.ARC.NASA.GOV  (Jim Becker)

    It is a window ID that has been created but has
    not yet "stablized" for X calls.

I don't really understand what this means.

    Is there
    a call that will return information about a random XID to me ??

Not really.  There are various requests you could use to attempt
to figure out what the thing is, but you would have to handle
errors, etc.

    By the way, those planning on using Interviews as a product base may
    want to reconsider their plans. It really isn't a good idea. 

I hope you are providing constructive technical feedback to the authors
of InterViews, so they can improve and/or defend themselves.

swick@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Ralph R. Swick) (08/11/88)

     Date:  11 Aug 88 01:17:03 GMT
     From:  vsi1!daver!athsys!jim@AMES.ARC.NASA.GOV  (Jim Becker)

                       a window ID that has been created but has
     not yet "stablized" for X calls.

If your library is correctly written, I don't understand how this
occurs unless you have separate processes (or display connections)
and are passing ids between them outside of X.

                                        I can safely ignore the service
     request, if I can recognize that the XID is not yet useful. Is there
     a call that will return information about a random XID to me ??

No; you're supposed to remember what it was you asked for.
     I use it in a normal X call it causes the server to not understand 
     the XID (although it really should), resulting in an X handler trap.

Why should/doesn't it?  If the creation occurs on the same display
connection as the reference, things are supposed to work.  If you're
using multiple display connections, you'll have to invent some way to
synchronize between them.  Often PropertyNotify events are useful
to accomplish this.

jim@athsys.uucp (Jim Becker) (08/12/88)

>	In article <19880811122201.8.RWS@KILLINGTON.LCS.MIT.EDU> RWS@ZERMATT.LCS.MIT.EDU (Robert Scheifler) writes:
>>     It is a window ID that has been created but has
>>     not yet "stablized" for X calls.
>   I don't really understand what this means.

Apparently there is some lapse in time from when a window is created
within a display and the XID registered for all displays to use. This 
is just a guess, given that the same operations work with one display
in the program. I have not had any simialiar problems with a single
display based X program.

>>     By the way, those planning on using Interviews as a product base may
>>     want to reconsider their plans. It really isn't a good idea. 
>   I hope you are providing constructive technical feedback to the authors
>   of InterViews, so they can improve and/or defend themselves.

My company has been tightly-coupled with the Interviews guys at Stanford;
our product is currently based off of a modified Interviews package. We have
extensively modified it and layered on top of it.

-Jim Becker

jim@tityus.UUCP (Jim Becker) (08/13/88)

Thank you for your response. I now fully understand.  I should have
said "registered" with the display rather than "created", now it all
makes sense.

The problems that I was having were from something a little more
obscure than my initial reading - three display connections being used
(somewhat at random).

On a different matter, when I was back in Mass. at DECwindows class
the instructor mentioned that MIT has all the X docs bound and for
sale in the microcomputer lab. I tried to get down there before leaving
but didn't make it through the traffic. Is there a way to order the
bound version through the mail?? Waiting on O'Reilly to get their
information bound has been some time, and I am already the top user of
the laserprinter here at work.

Also, how can I find out more about the scope/intent of Project Athena??

Lastly, it must be great to see your work on X windows gain so much 
recognition and acceptance by so vast an audience. Congratulations!

-Jim Becker