[comp.windows.x] availability of books

tim@ora.UUCP (Tim O'Reilly) (08/16/88)

In article <8808122213.AA08893@tityus.athena.com>, jim@tityus.UUCP (Jim Becker) writes:
> On a different matter, when I was back in Mass. at DECwindows class
> the instructor mentioned that MIT has all the X docs bound and for
> sale in the microcomputer lab. I tried to get down there before leaving
> but didn't make it through the traffic. Is there a way to order the
> bound version through the mail?? Waiting on O'Reilly to get their
> information bound has been some time, and I am already the top user of
> the laserprinter here at work.

I don't know about the MIT books, but I can tell you that the final
bound version of our (O'Reilly) books will be available in about four 
days.  We will have lots of them at Xhibition.

Sorry for the delay.  We kept finding new things we wanted
to get into the books.  They are vastly better than the
preliminary version we've been selling.

Tim O'Reilly (617) 527-4210
O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., Publishers of Nutshell Handbooks
981 Chestnut Street, Newton, MA 02164
UUCP:	uunet!ora!tim      ARPA:   tim@ora.uu.net