[comp.windows.x] Diffs to make xphoon work under X11

spencer@CITI.UMICH.EDU (08/22/88)

Here is the set of changes I came up with to make xphoon work under
X11.  The only non-obvious change is the necessity to byte-swap the
image data on big-endian machines (since it is stored as shorts
instead of chars).

=Spencer (spencer@crim.eecs.umich.edu)

diff -c ./cheapmoon.c ../cheapmoon.c
*** ./cheapmoon.c	Mon Aug 22 10:41:47 1988
--- ../cheapmoon.c	Mon Aug 22 10:31:44 1988
*** 3,9 ****
      "@(#) $Header: cheapmoon.c,v 1.3 88/06/07 17:56:02 leres Exp $ (LBL)";
- #include <X/Xlib.h>
  #include <cheapmoon.bitmap>
  getbitmap(w, h, bits, cx, cy, r)
--- 3,8 ----
diff -c ./xphoon.c ../xphoon.c
*** ./xphoon.c	Mon Aug 22 10:41:46 1988
--- ../xphoon.c	Mon Aug 22 10:38:30 1988
*** 3,9 ****
      "@(#) $Header: xphoon.c,v 1.7 88/08/15 21:34:28 jef Exp $ (LBL)";
! #include <X/Xlib.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <math.h>
  #include "tws.h"
--- 3,9 ----
      "@(#) $Header: xphoon.c,v 1.7 88/08/15 21:34:28 jef Exp $ (LBL)";
! #include <X11/Xlib.h>
  #include <stdio.h>
  #include <math.h>
  #include "tws.h"
*** 11,16 ****
--- 11,19 ----
  char *argv0;
  int blackflag = 0;
  int demoflag = 0;
+ Display * dpy;
+ int screen;
+ Window root;
  char *malloc();
*** 83,101 ****
! 	if (XOpenDisplay(display) == 0) {
  		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't open display \"%s\"\n",
  		    argv0, XDisplayName(display));
  	if (delayminutes <= 0 && ! demoflag) {
  		hackbits(dtwstime(), w, h, bits, cx, cy, r);
  		setroot(w, h, bits);
! 	size = BitmapSize(w, h);
  	xbits = (short *)malloc(size);
  	for (;;) {
  		bcopy((char *)bits, (char *)xbits, size);
--- 86,107 ----
! 	if ((dpy = XOpenDisplay(display)) == 0) {
  		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Can't open display \"%s\"\n",
  		    argv0, XDisplayName(display));
+ 	screen = DefaultScreen(dpy);
+ 	root = RootWindow(dpy, screen);
  	if (delayminutes <= 0 && ! demoflag) {
  		hackbits(dtwstime(), w, h, bits, cx, cy, r);
  		setroot(w, h, bits);
+ 		XCloseDisplay(dpy);
! 	size = 2 * ((w+15)/16) * h;
  	xbits = (short *)malloc(size);
  	for (;;) {
  		bcopy((char *)bits, (char *)xbits, size);
*** 114,140 ****
  	int w, h;
  	short *bits;
! 	Bitmap bitmap;
  	Pixmap pixmap;
! 	bitmap = XStoreBitmap(w, h, bits);
  	if (bitmap == 0) {
! 		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to store Bitmap", argv0);
! 	pixmap = XMakePixmap(bitmap, BlackPixel, WhitePixel);
! 	if (pixmap == 0) {
! 		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to store Pixmap", argv0);
! 	XChangeBackground(RootWindow, pixmap);
! 	XClear(RootWindow);
! 	XFreeBitmap(bitmap);
! 	XFreePixmap(pixmap);
! 	XFlush();
--- 120,155 ----
  	int w, h;
  	short *bits;
! 	Pixmap bitmap;
  	Pixmap pixmap;
+ 	GC gc;
+ 	XGCValues gc_init;
! 	gc_init.foreground = BlackPixel(dpy, screen);
! 	gc_init.background = WhitePixel(dpy, screen);
+ 	bitmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(dpy, root, bits, w, h);
  	if (bitmap == 0) {
! 		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to create Bitmap\n", argv0);
! 	gc = XCreateGC(dpy, root, GCForeground|GCBackground, &gc_init);
! 	pixmap = XCreatePixmap(dpy, root, w, h,
! 			    (unsigned int)DefaultDepth(dpy, screen));
! 	if ( pixmap == 0 ) {
! 		fprintf(stderr, "%s: Unable to create pixmap\n", argv0);
! 	XCopyPlane(dpy, bitmap, pixmap, gc, 0, 0, w, h, 0, 0,
! 		   (unsigned long)1);
! 	XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(dpy, root, pixmap);
! 	XFreeGC(dpy, gc);
! 	XFreePixmap(dpy, bitmap);
! 	XFreePixmap(dpy, pixmap);
! 	XClearWindow(dpy, root);
! 	XFlush(dpy);
*** 209,215 ****
--- 224,233 ----
  	int shadeindex;
  	short shade;
  	static double demoinc = 0.0;
+ 	static short byteorder = 0x0102;
+ 	register unsigned char * bp, tmp;
  	jd = jtime( t );
  	if ( demoflag ) {
  		/* Jump ahead a day each time through. */
*** 266,269 ****
--- 284,299 ----
+ 	/* Swap bytes if necessary */
+ 	if ( *(unsigned char *)&byteorder == 0x01 )
+ 	{
+ 	    for ( bp = (unsigned char *)bits,
+ 		  i = ((w + 15) / 16) * h;
+ 		  i > 0; i--, bp++ )
+ 	    {
+ 		tmp = *bp;
+ 		*bp = *(bp + 1);
+ 		*++bp = tmp;
+ 	    }
+ 	}

jef@HELIOS.EE.LBL.GOV (Jef Poskanzer) (08/23/88)

Please ignore spencer@CITI.UMICH.EDU's diffs.  The byte swap hack he
came up with proves that he doesn't know what he is doing.

I also received a set of diffs by mail from one David Koblas.  His diffs
look good, except for the extremely weird thing he did with the shade

Some time within the next week, I will make the official X11 xphoon

             Jef Poskanzer   jef@rtsg.ee.lbl.gov   ...well!pokey
Flon's Law: There is not now, and never will be, a language in which it is the
                  least bit difficult to write bad programs.