[comp.windows.x] final call for R3 user-contributed software

jim@EXPO.LCS.MIT.EDU (Jim Fulton) (08/31/88)

Okay, final notice:

	If you are intending to donate software for the R3 user-contributed
	distribution and have not contacted me, you are rapidly running out
	of time. 

	If you have already made arrangements with me to get the software
	into my hands, please remember your deadlines and let me know if
	there are problems.

	If you have delivered the software already and have received an ack,
	then you should be okay.

And, once more, some key concepts:  Imakefiles, <X11/Xos.h>, 12 character
file names, -display displayname, -geometry geomspec, and program for color
as well as black and white.

					Jim Fulton
					MIT X Consortium
					(617) 253-1428

p.s. Again, as Bob said:  "Octoberish.  This yearish."