[comp.windows.x] CLX with Allegro CL

jdi@sparky.UUCP (John Irwin) (08/31/88)

Well, looks like I choked in the message where I sent out code to
allow Bill Janssen's CLX example to work correctly in Allegro CL.
Here is the revised code:

	-- John Irwin, Franz Inc.


from dependent.cl:

;; Note that there is a special hack here.  If the current process is nil it
;; means we're running in the scheduler stack group, which means in turn that
;; we're running a process wait function.  This wait functions should *always*
;; be: (event-listen display 0).  So if we are running in the scheduler and the
;; lock isn't already being held just run the body without trying to grab the
;; lock.  If the lock *is* already being held we have to throw out of the
;; event-listen.
(defmacro holding-lock ((locator &optional whostate) &body body)
  ;; This macro is for use in a multi-process environment.
  (let ((lock (gensym)) (curproc (gensym)) (locker (gensym))
	(without-interrupts-state (gensym)))
    `(let* ((,without-interrupts-state excl::*without-interrupts*)
	    (excl::*without-interrupts* t)
	    (,lock ,locator)
	    (,curproc mp:*current-process*) ; nil if in scheduler (wait fun)
	    (,locker (mp:process-lock-locker ,lock)))
       (declare (special *inside-event-listen-catch*))
	      (if (and (null ,curproc) ,locker)
		  (if (and (boundp '*inside-event-listen-catch*)
		      (throw 'event-listen :would-block)
		    (error "The only CLX function call allowed from a process wait function is \
       event-listen with timeout 0.")))
	      (excl:if* (eq ,locker ,curproc)
		      (setq ,locker nil)
		      (setq ,locker ,curproc)
		      (mp:process-lock ,lock ,curproc
				       ,@(when whostate `(,whostate))))
	      (setq excl::*without-interrupts* ,without-interrupts-state)
	 (if (and ,curproc (eq ,locker ,curproc))
	     (mp:process-unlock ,lock ,curproc))))))

from input.cl:

(defvar *inside-event-listen-catch* nil)

(defun event-listen (display &optional (timeout 0))
  (declare (type display display)
	   (type (or null number) timeout))
  ;; Returns the number of events queued locally, if any, else nil.  Hangs
  ;; waiting for events, forever if timeout is nil, else for the specified
  ;; number of seconds.  However, if we are running a process wait function
  ;; (in the scheduler stack group) and the input lock is held by another
  ;; process, return nil.
  (let ((queue (or *recursive-event-queue*
		   (display-event-queue display)))
	(*inside-event-listen-catch* t))
    (if (cdr queue)
	(length (cdr queue))
      (unless (eq :would-block
		  (catch 'event-listen (wait-for-event display timeout nil)))
	(and (cdr queue) (length (cdr queue)))))))