lmjm@doc.imperial.ac.UK (09/24/88)
With a little help from my friends I am keeping up with the expo and gatekeeper archives. To get the current list of what is available mail info-server@doc.ic.ac.uk with an empty subject line and a message body of: request sources topic xv11r2-unoff.README Todays list is appended to this message. To get something mail again to the server with a message body of: request sources topic xv11r2-unoff.THINGY Where THINGY is one of the filenames. E.g: request sources topic xv11r2-unoff.XwCC.cover or request sources topic xv11r2-unoff.RTLMenu/00README The newgroup comp.sources.x is also archived here. If you have problems getting any of the above please let me know. If you catch me on a good day I can be talked into writing a tape or cartridge. If there enough interest I can setup a guest account (restricted shell) to access this stuff. I wonder how long it takes to suck X.V11R2 using kermit...... Anonymous ukuucp is on its way (thanks to PB). Current xv11r2-unoff.README ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Don't forget that some sources are now held in the comp.sources.x archive!!! Mail info-server for help. README This file XwCC.cover Cover note for the release of the HP widgets XwCC.src.tar.Z Src for the HP widgets XwCC.doc.tar.Z Doc for the HP widgets xtrek.tar.Z A Star Trek game. spaceout.tar.Z Moving star patterns (start of Star Trek TV prog) magic.tar.Z VLSI simulator (X bits only) pbm.tar.Z Portable Bitmap - munges bit maps and converts formats xwebster.tar.Z Browse (via a non-supplied server) Websters dictionary InterViews.diffs.Z Diffs to allow InterViews to compile under g++ gnumacs18.51.X11.diff Diffs for gnuemacs for X11 working. xlock.tar.Z Screen locker - fractal printer. xgdb.tar.Z gdb interface for X xps.speedup.shar.Z Speedups to the Goswell PostScript previewer (+X11) xphoon.tar.Z phase of the moon xrotmap.shar.Z rotates the colour map worm.shar.Z wriggly worms xsol.tar.Z Solitare fig2latex.tar.Z Converts xfig output to latex fig2tex.tar.Z Converts xfig output to tex xfigpatch-4 Yet another patch to Xsw.tar.Z The Sony widgets stones.tar Some benchmarking programs. cpicker.tar.Z Pick a colour plx.tar.Z Another ddx xplaces.tar.Z ? twm.tar.Z Tom's Window 3.1 manager xman.tar.Z Enhanced version of the manual page interface rtl directory see belw xfed.tar.Z A simple (bdf) font editor andrew directory see below awm.tar.Z Ardent window manager - to patch level 6 xmag.tar.Z Magnifying glass kterm.tar.Z A new version of the Kanji version of Xterm vs100.tar.Z Vs100 ddx xmille.tar.Z The mille game in X form wm.Z Window manager policy notes x10-fonts.tar.Z X10 fonts in bdf format x11r3dvi.tar.Z The X10R3 DVI previewer convert to X11 README.mac README for info-mac-fonts.tar.Z README.bmug README for bmug-fonts.tar.Z fg-16m.tar.Z A font info-mac-fonts.tar.Z Public domain mac fonts bmug-fonts.tar.Z Berkeley Mac Users Group - public domain fonts psycho.c Multi-screen ico mandl.tar.Z A mandlebrot program xtools.tar.Z Startup all your X programs easily xfish.tar.Z Shoot fish in a window program. fonts_mac.tar.Z Public domain mac fonts bounce.tar.Z Bounces your windows off the bottom of the screen News-Brakes Scheifler's comments on NeWS xversion.tar.Z Finds which version of X you're under. xmac.tar.Z Joke program - makes screen look like a mac. poskbitmaptars directory see below texx.fixes Fixes to the tex dvi previewer xcolors.shar Simple colour manipluation program xdvorak.shar Converts the keyboard into dvorak xlib.intro An extra man page - guide to all the Xlib routines xcolor.shar Another simple color manipulation program xpbm-pv.shar X Previewer for pbm files fc.man An extra man page - for the font compiler. xpong.shar Plays ping pong with your windows x11font.shar Converts x10 fonts to x11. bstore.fix Fix to do after installing bstore xpuzzle.shar a puzzle program spec.tar.Z Xtk intrinsics specification softcursor.tar.Z Faster version of the software cursor routines RTLMenu directory see below resources.tutorial Notes on how to use resource files bdf-converters.tar.Z Programs to convert other fonts to X (bdf) format PURDUE-speedups.shar.Z Speedups to X11's mfb routines xgranite.shar.Z Supposedly makes you root window look like granite xpref.shar.Z Sets X preferences. neaten.tar.Z The RTL neaten package for tiling windows xmac.images.tar.Z Collection of bitmaps - (maybe offensive) xconf.tar.Z X Conference Tutorial: Xtk toolkit (Tex input) bstore.shar.Z Backing store implementation raveling.xconf-notes Notes on the 1987 X conference rtl: The Siemens RTL Tiled Window Manager README rtl.tar.Z.aa rtl.tar.Z.ab rtl.tar.Z.ac rtl.tar.Z.ad rtl.tar.Z.ae rtl.tar.Z.af rtl.tar.Z.ag rtl.tar.Z.ah rtl.tar.Z.ai rtl.tar.Z.aj rtl.tar.Z.ak rtl.tar.Z.al rtl.tar.Z.am rtl.tar.Z.an andrew: exguide.tar.Z A guide to Andrew. Patches.0-16.sh Patches for the version of Andrew under X. Patches.17-29.sh Patches.30-75.sh poskbitmaptars: README poskbitmaps.A-a.tar Bitmaps poskbitmaps.b.tar poskbitmaps.c.tar poskbitmaps.d.tar poskbitmaps.dcm.tar.Z poskbitmaps.e-f.tar poskbitmaps.g-i.tar poskbitmaps.j-l.tar poskbitmaps.maa-maw.tar poskbitmaps.max-mz.tar poskbitmaps.n-r.tar poskbitmaps.s.tar poskbitmaps.t.tar poskbitmaps.u-z.tar RTLMenu: 00README rtlmenu.tar.Z The Seimens menu library. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- UKUUCP SUPPORT Lee McLoughlin "What you once thought was only a nightmare is now a reality!" Janet: lmjm@uk.ac.ic.doc, lmcl@uk.ac.ukc DARPA: lmjm@doc.ic.ac.uk (or lmjm%uk.ac.ic.doc@nss.cs.ucl.ac.uk) Uucp: lmjm@icdoc.UUCP, ukc!icdoc!lmjm Phone: 01-589-5111 X 5028
lmjm@doc.ic.ac.uk (Lee McLoughlin) (09/26/88)
Deepest appologies. My previous posting wasn't meant to go outside of the UK as we haven't any funds to send sources so it is restricted to sites we can reach for free. Appologies to anyone who tries to mail the archive and gets not response.