rusty@GARNET.BERKELEY.EDU (09/27/88)
1. Dumps core; this is your basic null pointer bug. Here are my fixes: ------- events.c ------- *** /tmp/da3767 Mon Sep 26 12:44:32 1988 --- events.c Mon Sep 26 12:27:30 1988 *************** *** 1030,1037 **** Context = C_WINDOW; } ! ExecuteFunction(RootFunction, ButtonMouse.item->action, w, ! tmp_win, event, Context, FALSE); RootFunction = NULL; return; --- 1030,1038 ---- Context = C_WINDOW; } ! ExecuteFunction(RootFunction, ! ButtonMouse.item ? ButtonMouse.item->action : NULL, ! w, tmp_win, event, Context, FALSE); RootFunction = NULL; return; *************** *** 1062,1068 **** PopUpMenu(Mouse[event.xbutton.button][Context][modifier].menu, event.xbutton.x_root, event.xbutton.y_root); } ! else if (Mouse[event.xbutton.button][Context][modifier].func != NULL) { ExecuteFunction(Mouse[event.xbutton.button][Context][modifier].func, Mouse[event.xbutton.button][Context][modifier].item->action, --- 1063,1070 ---- PopUpMenu(Mouse[event.xbutton.button][Context][modifier].menu, event.xbutton.x_root, event.xbutton.y_root); } ! else if ((Mouse[event.xbutton.button][Context][modifier].func != NULL) && ! (Mouse[event.xbutton.button][Context][modifier].item != NULL)) { ExecuteFunction(Mouse[event.xbutton.button][Context][modifier].func, Mouse[event.xbutton.button][Context][modifier].item->action, 2. It would be been nice if either the manual page or the README file pointed out that the (old) default buttons in the title bar and icons are now gone and must put be in your .twmrc file if you want the old behavior. For example, I had to put the following in my .twmrc file: button1 = : icon : f.iconify button2 = : icon : f.move button1 = : title : f.raise button2 = : title : f.move button3 = : title : f.lower 3. The old (ancient) bug where xprop and xwininfo don't work when twm is running is still there.