[comp.windows.x] Need help rewtiting some Sunview code for X11

caromero@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (C. Antonio Romero) (09/29/88)

I've been given the task of rewriting some existing code written to use
Sunview over to X11R2, as part of a move to make the system it's
part of more portable.   Unfortunately I've never worked with X before,
so it's sort of a "learn as I go" situation.  

I've gotten the impression that there are several competing toolkits
floating around, each of which goes a certain way towards encouraging
its own interface style.

Is there one toolkit that might be preferred over all others for
something of this sort, where I'd like to make the X version of my
application look as much like the old one as possible?
(By the way, I'm not doing anything too sophisticated with graphics at
this point-- what I need is mostly text, some popup menus, a few
buttons...nothing too fancy.  I'm just new to X, so I'm kind of in the

I also noticed some information about new books available on X.
Do these have sample code fragments to use as guides? My biggest gripe
with the troff documents that came with X11 was that they didn't have
many examples-- Sun made things easy in their documentation with lots of
these.  Right now the only sample pieces of code I have are the X
clients and a "Hello World" program.

Any pointers you could offer would be greatly appreciated.
Mail or post as you see fit-- I'm sure there are some other neophytes
who might gain by this...

-Antonio Romero      romero@cognito.princeton.edu
                or caromero@phoenix.princeton.edu