[net.news] GKS Implementation

paulh (04/21/83)

         The Mathematical Centre implementation of GKS in C

         The MC in Amsterdam is working on a GKS  7.2  implementation
         under   UNIX,   with  language  bindings  to  C  and  FTN77.
         Currently level 1b is working with C.

         The official release of the full (level  2c)  implementation
         is,  including  documentation, scheduled for the end of this
         year.  People interested can order (at  their  own  risk)  a
         prerelease.  Then they will get a copy of the implementation
         in its current state.

         The prerelease will contain level 2b by May and level 2c  by
         August.  Both are with a C-binding.

         The FTN77 version (a  shell  around  the  C-implementation),
         following  the  official binding (ISO defined), is scheduled
         for the end of this year.  The  official  binding  is  still
         being defined.

         Some characteristics

         The code not including drivers will  be  organized  as  a  C
         library.  The  object  code  will  stay close to 50 K bytes.
         Typically a modest  application  will  run  in  50  K  bytes
         including  drivers  and  segment space. Drivers are included
         for Tek 4014, AED 512 and plotters.

         Succesfull installations have been done so  far  on  several
         configurations,  e.g.,  PDP 11 (23 -45), VAXes, M68000, SIE-
         MENS R30, APPOLLO, ..., with UNIX 7 or 4.1 BSD or System 3.

         All people entitled to recieve the prrelease will  automati-
         cally receive the final release as soon as it becomes avail-

         The C-binding was designed  by  Paul  ten  Hagen  and  David
         Rosenthal.   The implementation was designed and implemented
         by Behr de Ruiter and Paul ten Hagen.

         If you want to receive a release, with  sources,  mail  your
         address to me. Many people have already done so. In fact the
         massive interest has caused administrative  problems,  which
         we are recovering from.

         The MC is entitled to  distribute  educational  licenses  at
         tape   and  licence  handling  costs  for  $300.  Commercial
         licences will be handled by TNO, the "owner" of  the  imple-

         On receipt of your address, we will mail you contracts, more
         information and instructions.

                                April 20, 1983

                                    - 2 -

         UNIX mail to: mcvax!paulh with  your  full  postal  address,
         most  mail  replies  I  have send out do not arrive, which I
         cannot check.

         Or write to: Paul ten Hagen
              Mathematical Centre
              Kruislaan 413
              1098 SJ, Amsterdam
              The Netherlands

                                April 20, 1983

thomas (04/27/83)

GKS is the "Graphic Kernel System" - the European standard graphic interface,
soon to be the US standard (probably).  It is in some sense a successor to
the SIGGRAPH "CORE" system.

(Is there some way to direct a followup to another group?  This really doesn't
belong in net.news.)


jnp (04/28/83)

GKS (Graphical Kernel System) is a draft international standard for
two-dimensional graphics software.

>From ANSI Document X3H3/82-111  (10/8/82)

The American National Standards Institute Technical Comittee on Computer
Graphics (ANSI X3H3) voted at its meeting October 7 and 8 in Berkeley,
California, to begin the formal steps required to approve GKS, the Graphical
Kernel System, as an American National Standard.

GKS was originally developed by the West German Standards institute (DIN), and
it has undergone extensive technical review and modification within the
International Standards Organization Working Group on Computer Graphics (ISO
TC97/SC5/WG2), of which ANSI is an active member.  This past summer, GKS became
an ISO Draft International Standard.


The GKS draft proposed American National Standard is scheduled to be available
for p	of a main program, 8 principle subroutines, 60 supporting subroutines
	and a variety of application functions and utilities. The program is
	coded in FORTRAN 77 and resides on a PRIME 750.

   3) Conclusions Reached

	At this time the writers of SAM are conducting a study of use

leichter (05/01/83)

It is currently Sat Apr 30 18:04:00 1983.  The article this is a response to
claims to have been posted on Sun May 1 00:01:36 1983.  Wow!  We DO have some
fast links out there, don't we?
							-- Jerry