[comp.windows.x] West Coast Xarchive woes

turner@daisy.UUCP (D'arc Angel) (10/05/88)

With the best of intentions and the worst of execution, I have been
spending almost all of my copious (8-) spare time trying to get uucp
and the modem working properly on 'sunflower'. After a lot of frustrations
we find out that we must upgrade our version of SunOS to 4.0 to get uucp
working properly. The net of all of this is that I have a huge backlog
of tapes to mail out that will go out this week (I promise) and until
further notice (i.e. the upgrade is installed) the Xarchives will not
be available for uucp access. I am sorry about this, but I am treading 
water as fast as I can.

P.S. In the middle of all of this we have installed new phones (better
quality lines, I am told). The new number for sunflower is:

	415 967-4729

Trailblazer support will be installed with SunOS 4.0 (or so the story goes)

Can this wait until after I've had my coffee ???
...{decwrl|ucbvax}!imagen!atari!daisy!turner (James M. Turner)
Daisy Systems, 700 E. Middlefield Rd, P.O. Box 7006, 
Mountain View CA 94039-7006.                          (415)960-0123